Chapter Six

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A/N: I'm not quite sure how I'd write a court scene or that I'd do it correctly so I'm going to skip to after the trial.

Blair's POV


I was declared guilty with a two years sentence. Isn't that just fantastic? I'm going spend two years in my life in jail with other delinquent teenagers and give back my stolen items. Well, at least it gave a break from my everyday schedule. But now I'm bored and I need a way out.

But I'm just a hacker. I don't have any of my disguises with me, or have any electronics. So I'm stuck until I can figure out another plan.

*Time skip to three months later*

It's been three months and Carter's only visited once. I'll never forget the look of disappointment on his face when he saw me, ugly orange jumpsuit and all. I really did let him down.

But surprisingly, Neal comes to see me quite often. Once every two weeks or so, and every time he brings me something to keep me busy. Last time it was a book called "Cinder" and I'm obsessed. It was so good. But now I'm bored again. My hands still haven't touched a computer but I asked for a computer keyboard and that's been helping.

The moment I picked up my bouncy ball, I'm seriously attached to this thing, to start throwing it, a guard came and opened my cell door.

"You have a visitor." Was all he said.

Neal came yesterday... Could it finally be Carter?

I followed him to a small room where Agent Burke and Neal were waiting.

"Hi Blair." Neal said, smiling.

I smiled back. "Hi Neal! Hi Agent Burke. Is everything okay?"

"Yea." Agent Burke replied just as Neal said, "No."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Um okay."

Agent Burke looked at Neal. "I was going to ask how she was doing before I dropped this on her."

"Sorry." Neal said.

"Dropped what on me?" I asked.

"The FBI need your help." Agent Burke motioned for me to sit down, which I did.

"With that? What's wrong?"

"Someone's been hacking into bank accounts of wealthy people without trace that they've even been there except that millions of dollars are missing. Not all of the money appears to be missing also. Now since this isn't a physical threat, we can't follow the money the back to the thief and our best hackers aren't getting anywhere. So we need your help."

I placed my chin on the palm of my hands. Now this was getting interesting. "Well you've come to the right person. Will I have a tracker? Where am I going to stay? When are we leaving?"

"Whoa slow down there. Yes you'll have tracker and you will stay with me since I can't legally put you in your own place. We leave right now."

I grinned. "Alright let's go!"

I gathered my stuff, changed out of my jumpsuit and into my original clothes, and then I finally tasted the fresh, Well I don't know how fresh, air of New York. It was sunny today, not a cloud in the sky and I'm going to be honest, it made me really happy to see the sun again.

Agent Burke put my own tracking anklet on my ankle.

"Hey look Neal, we're tracking anklet buddies." I showed him it.

Neal laughed. "Yea we we are."

"So Agent Burke, what would you like me to do?"

Agent Burke chuckled. "Well I like how eager you are, but let's get you settled first."

"Peter," Neal stated. "You were never this nice to me when I first joined the FBI."

"She's only a kid and actually returned everything she stole."

Neal was quiet. That was probably better than trying to come up with an answer.

"Listen, I have something to do. Neal, go take Blair to the thrift store." Agent Burke left Neal and I alone.

Neal led me away down the street to the nearest thrift store.

Holy clothes. There were a lot more clothing items in here than I remembered. Everything from suit and prom dresses to dance gear and other sport equipment...

"Pick out some some stuff." Neal gestured to the rows of clothes.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Why are these people being so kind to me? Especially after all that I'd done. "Why are you and Agent Burke being so nice to me? I've committed crimes. I've released a virus into a senator's computer-oh please don't tell Agent Burke about that quite yet. Also what happened to my old clothes?"

Neal laughed. "My lips are sealed. And you've had a hard life. Yea, you're paying for some of it, but now you have a chance to make yourself be better and your old clothes were donated."

The corners of my lips tilted upwards slightly. "Okay..." I walked over to where some shirts were hung up and shifted through them. Nothing stood out. They were all either old lady things or not my style.

I continued my search until I found a camouflage bomber jacket that probably wasn't supposed to be in the women's shirt section but was somehow here anyways. "I like this." I checked the price tag. Only 5 dollars? Oh hell yes, I'm getting this.

Eventually I ended up with five t-shirts, mostly all in black, three pairs of black pants, combat boots and high tops and last but not least, the bomber jacket.

One thing I did love about thrift stores was the price. While something might be twenty dollars in the regular store, it could be about only four dollars here. The total price came to be about $30. Neal sweet talked about $20 dollars off of the original fifty. I don't know how he did it but he did get the price down.

We walked out of the thrift store each holding a bag.

"Thanks." I said again.

"No problem."

We headed towards Agent Burke's house to drop off my stuff.

"Was the FBI this nice to you?" I asked Neal.

He laughed. "Hell no. I think Peter hated, well maybe not hated, but he certainly didn't care for me."

"I know, I'm just that likable." I joked.

He turned to me. "I do like you."

"Is this what it feels like to be liked? Wow what a strange unfamiliar feeling!"

Neal grinned. "Peter's house is just around the corner."

And that is chapter 6!

I will get around to editing and fixing this story once it's completed so yes I'm mostly aware of my grammatical errors.

But if there's a plot error, please tell me and I'll promptly fix it.


Later guys✌🏻

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