Chapter Ten

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Blair's POV

It was too pitch black to see where I was, but there was screaming. I ran towards it and saw who was making it:My Mom.

"Mom?" I asked. Fear filled my body, but I knew what was coming next.

She turned to me, slowly. There was a knife sticking out of her chest, blood dripping down her white shirt. She crumpled to the ground and I knew she was dead.

I gasped and a gunshot rung out behind me. I didn't want to but I turned anyways. My dad stood behind me with a bullet hole in his head.

He too collapsed and the only sound left was the sound of my own scream.

I awoke and sat up swiftly. It took me a moment to gather my thoughts and figure out where I was. I looked at the clock. It read 2:09. Because it was still dark, and the world was still sleeping(well as much as the city sleeps), I assumed it was 2:09am.

My alarm was set for about 5:30, But after that dream, I was not sleeping anytime soon. Usually I'd go on YouTube to calm my nerves and heart rate down but I was computer-less. It seemed like coloring was my only option. I started coloring a picture of a city. It had lots of little detail work but there's not better way to distract yourself with time consuming hobbies.

I colored that (and other pictures)for a while, for at least two hours, until my eyes started to droop.


My alarm clock startled me awake again. The clock said it was 5:30. Had I really fallen asleep? Usually, no matter how late(or early) it was, I'd end up staying awake for the rest of the night.

I was exhausted, but I forced myself to get changed into black skinny jeans, a white shirt and combat boots. Not really work attire but this was the best I could do. I took the little makeup I had(eyeliner, mascara and concealer), applied it to my face and quietly went downstairs. Nobody was downstairs yet, although I had seen a low light coming from Agent Burke and Elizabeth's room. I quickly served myself some cereal and hoped I wasn't intruding.

Footsteps broke the silence. Agent Burke walked downstairs. "You're awake. Good. Already more punctual than Neal."

I smiled. "I try. Neal isn't usually on time?"

"He wasn't on his first day."

Laughing, I replied, "Oh." My smile turned into a thin line across my face. "I'm sorry for shutting down yesterday. It's just that my paren-"

He cut me off. "Blair, it's-"

This time I interrupted. "Please let me finish." I put my empty cereal bowl in the dishwasher and sat back down. "The anniversary of my parents murder is just around the corner. I always get like this during this time of year. I-I just thought you should know that."

Agent Burke was quiet for a moment and then asked, "How did your parents die?"

I didn't want to open up that much, so I gave the very simplified version of the story. "My dad was shot and my mom was stabbed. I got shot too." I moved the hair away from the left side of my neck and displayed the long scar that marred my skin. "It's a little early to get this deep. So, I'm going to finish getting ready." I went upstairs, brushing past Elizabeth on the stairs, and shut my door.

Technically, I was ready to leave. But I needed a moment to myself after telling that story, even if it was the simplified version of it.

No one forgets the day their parents were murdered. Some people block it out or change the story but still remember it and others can retell it like it was yesterday. I was the latter.

Before I could dwell on that, I heard Agent Burke call my name. I quickly put my earrings in and grabbed my bomber jacket.

It wasn't very cold outside but jackets offered me comfort and security so I took one everywhere.

Agent Burke was waiting for me downstairs. We went outside, got in his car and drove to June's house.

I don't know if many people understand the beauty of New York City in the morning. The sun glistens off of everything, making it incredibly bright but beautiful. June's house looked very nice with the sun positioned behind it.

"Stay in the car, I'll go get Neal." Agent Burke told me and got out of the car.

I was completely fine with it because that meant I could play with the radio. I scrolled through the stations until I found "Sweater Weather" by The Neighbourhood. I immediately started blasting it and singing along to it.

A couple of New Yorkers glared at me. Probably because the music was too loud for 7am, but I didn't care. I hadn't listened to any of my music in so long. It was nice to finally hear it.

Neal and Agent Burke came out of June's house. Neal raised an eyebrow and I pointed to the backseat, indicating that I wasn't planning on moving. He smiled, shaking his head and got into the car.

"What are you listening to?" Agent Burke asked, buckling his seat belt.

"Never heard Sweater Weather? This song used to be on all the time."

"Nope." He turned off the sound system.

I sighed. "So the rule for your car is a 'driver picks the music and shotgun shuts their cake-hole' kinda thing?"

They both looked incredibly confused. "What now?"

"Supernatural?" I got more blank stares. "Ah Okay. Never mind."

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