Chapter Fifteen

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Blair's POV

I strode out of the elevator and walked over to Agent Burke. "Here you go." I handed his coffee to him.

"Thank you." He was about to take a sip when he noticed the name written on it. "Blayne? Who's Blayne?" He stopped and looked at me. "You didn't take someone else's, did you?"

I shook my head. "Ha ha, very funny. They just misspelled my name as Blayne."

"Blair doesn't even sound like Blayne."

"Forget about sounding like Blayne, do I even look like a Blayne?"

"Not at all."

"See? Thank you!"

Neal walked over. "See what?"

I lifted my drink and displayed the name on it.

"Who's Blayne?" Neal asked and raised an eyebrow.

"No one I know. I think they meant to put Blair on it."

Agent Burke took a sip of his coffee and frowned. "This isn't French Roast. I think this is a latte.

What? "You're messing with me right?" Had I taken the wrong cup? I tasted some of mine. It was decaf, not regular. "Are you kidding me?" I muttered underneath my breath and then turned to Agent Burke. "I'm so sorry. I-I could've looked better and, well, Uh-" I facepalmed. " I could've been more attentive, I should've been attentive. I'm so sorry that I messed up your coffee." I truly felt bad that his coffee was messed up, and that I had taken a random person's coffee.

"Relax, Blair. It is okay." He said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I've done that before too."

No matter what he told me, I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd messed up. Again. Like I always did. Maybe this was just me picking out all of the small things and making them bigger, but I wanted to throw something in frustration. I don't think most people would've gotten this upset however, I was agitated with myself for messing things up.

I should've answered with a "oh you've done it too? It's okay then!" Or a "Thanks for forgiving me.", but no. I shrugged Agent Burke's hand off my shoulder without another word and went into the conference room.

Quickly setting up my computer, I also opened a piece of polar ice gum. My favorite flavor.

A moment later, Neal walked in just as I was signing into my laptop. "What was that?"

Raising an eyebrow, I asked, "What was what?"

He sat down next to me. "You know fully well what I mean."

"Do I?"

"Come on, Blair."

I rolled my eyes discreetly. "I botched up the order and I'm upset about it. Nothing more."

"Ya know-"

I cut him off. "Please let me work, Neal. I'm sure you also have stuff to do."

"Well yes. I have to watch what you do."

Internally, I groaned. With these people, I couldn't get five minutes alone. Outwardly, an annoyed expression spread across my face. "Must you?"

"Whoa, What happened to the girl who opened up about her past to me?"

I narrowed my eyes. "If you find her, let me know."

He crossed his arms. "You'd really rather an FBI Agent to look over your shoulder than me?"

He had a point there. I ran my tongue over my teeth and sighed. "Fine. But I need ten minutes of alone time."

"Alright. I'll be back in ten minutes." He left the room and left me alone.

My shoulders relaxed a little and I went onto google. I had an idea on how I could redirect the FBI's eyes on my computer to somebody else's computer. They were tracking what I did through my IP address. If I changed it without their knowledge, I could use more efficient ways (that they'd definitely disapprove of) of tracking down their hacker criminal.

Maybe it was wrong to send Neal away. After all, he used to be a criminal himself. Perhaps he wouldn't disapprove of my methods of tracking Enigma down. Either way, he was gone now and I had about eight minutes left to do what I pleased.

I rewrote my IP address and gave a "Ricky Mason" my old one. Have fun tracking a forty-year-old man.

Next, I started creating a virus. No, I wasn't going to use it for my own enjoyment and rob something. I was going to release it into every single bank that had money stored digitally.

It would give a computer virus to the next person who hacked into the bank illegally. A virus that I could see and I would track them down. Even if I didn't catch Enigma on the first time, I still would catch someone who was trying to rob a bank(which isn't the worst thing).

I quickly saved the virus in a hidden file, and restored my original IP Address.

Right when I was done, Neal came back in the room. "Did you get stuff done?"

I shook my head. "Not really. I watched a YouTube video to calm down. I'm okay now." I was aware that I had lied, but if I was possibly going to tell him about the virus, I wouldn't do it in the FBI building.

He sat down next to me. "So let's get started?"



Hello everybody! I hope you're enjoying the story so far.

1. Thank you so much for 950 reads! This is absolutely crazy.

2. For about two weeks, I will be away on the other side of America, so I don't know I I'll be able to post somewhere in that timeline. But when I get back I'll definitely continue on with my usual updating schedule.

Also, don't be afraid to comment. I'd love to hear if you're liking the story, if there's something I could write better or if there's a plot hole. If there's a plot hole please tell me so I can fix it.

-Julia Stone

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