Chapter Nineteen

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Blair's POV

Elizabeth and I walked along the streets of New York City with a few shopping bags in our hands.

We had already stopped at multiple stores and gotten many things. She bought me four shirts, two pairs of pants, a pair of shoes, a faux leather jacket and a few accessories and it didn't look like we were slowing down anytime soon.

"So," Elizabeth said, continuing our conversation. "What is....your favorite color?"

I smiled. "Such a basic question. I like blue a lot. Red is nice too. But gray though... I thinks it's gray."

She laughed. "Gray is such a nice color. Quite neutral as well."

"So you're a party planner?" I asked.

"Yes, I am."

"What's that like?"

Elizabeth shrugged, "Well I can honestly say that it's a little more boring than working with the FBI. But we do get a lot of interesting and sometimes weird costumers."

"That sounds so cool." I paused for a moment before saying, "Thank you, Elizabeth. This has been amazing."

She smiled. "Of course! I'm so happy we got to do this."

"Me too."

She looked at her watch. "It's getting pretty late. I'm sure Peter will be wondering where we are."

I nodded. "Probably. Should we get going?"

She smiled, "We're just getting started."

Another whirlwind of shopping happened in the next two hours and when we finished, my legs thought they might fall off.

Elizabeth could see the weariness in my eyes. "I think we're done."

"Okay, I mean, I can go all day." I lied.

"We've been walking non stop for four hours. I can see you're tired. Besides, when's the last time you've gotten a good nights rest?"

"I sleep great!"

She dead panned. "The dark circles say otherwise."

Well, I have got to get a new concealer. Elizabeth was the second person to talk to me about sleeping, or should I say, "not sleeping".

"I naturally have dark circles and eye bags. What's wrong with that?" I lied again.

Obviously, Elizabeth didn't want to just drop the subject, but she did to my relief. "So singing?"

I almost wished we were still on the topic of sleeping. "What about it?"

"You have such a wonderful voice! Why don't you like it?"

I shrugged. "I do like it. I just don't want anyone to hear it." In reality, that was correct but it wasn't the full story. When I was younger, everyone told me that I had a terrible singing voice, that no one would want the child of criminals and would never amount to anything. So instead, I became a feared hacker who'd never have to show her face.


"Because I don't!" I snapped.

Elizabeth reeled back.

"I-I'm Sorry. I ruined our good time." I quickly said, seeing the hurt on her face.

Her eyes softened. "No you didn't. We're both tired. But..." she placed a hand on my shoulder. "If you need to talk..."

My lips tilted into a small smile. "Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

We got back to the Burke residence only to find Agent Burke pacing around the living room. When he saw us, he rushed over and sighed giving both of us a hug. That definitely startled me. "Neither of you were answering your phones. I was about to call in the calvary."

I chuckled. "I didn't know you cared that much."

"Well of course. Someone wants to take you out. Of course I'd be worried."

"We're capable women, we can handle ourselves."

He noticed our bags. "You went shopping?"

"Bonding time." Elizabeth explained.

"Ah I see. Well now that I know you two are safe, we have to talk, Blair."

"I swear I didn't do it." I immediately replied, out of habit.

He chuckled and put his hands on his hips. "Not what I was going to ask." He turned to Elizabeth and raised his eyebrows. "Elizabeth?"

She got the message and left the room.

"Come sit." He sat at the table and motioned to the seat across.

"Am I in trouble, Agent Burke?"

"No. I just wanted to make sure you're okay and to fill you in on somethings."

I rolled my eyes. "Why is everyone so concerned about me? I'm perfectly fine and stable, okay?"

"Okay." His short answer set me uneasy.

"What'd you wanna fill me in on?" Trying to change the subject, I put my head in the palm of my hand.

"He's disappeared."

Dread coursed through my body. "What?"

"He's gone."

"I thought you'd've had eyes and ears on him constantly but now you're saying the FBI has lost him?"

Agent Burke pinched the bridge of his nose. "Blair-"

"He's been told to take me out!"

"We don't-"

"I'm gonna die, aren't I?"

Hello everyone! I'm so sorry it's been way too long since I've posted this story. I've had no motivation or ideas for where this story was going, but now I think I know how I'm going to end it so there be more frequent updates.

Also if you find spelling or plot errors, please let me know and I'll fix it promptly but only constructive criticism that's said nicely please.

Thanks for still sticking with my story even though it's been two months since the last chapter.

Vote if you liked it!

-Julia Stone

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