Chapter Eight

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Blair's POV

I debated leaving, but coffee is pretty tempting so I decided to stay until the drinks were ready.

But I wouldn't look up from the floor. I didn't want to see any one from my old life again.

Carter headed over to me and handed me my drinks. "Here."

Our eyes met. "I could've gotten them myself."

"I know but-"

I sighed. "You at least could've came to visit more than once. I even had FBI agents come visit me. How do you think I felt to have the one person I trusted not even care that I would be rotting jail?"

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Look Blair, I"

"I don't want to hear your excuses." I started to walk to the door, but Carter stopped me.

"Will you just listen for minute?" People were starting to stare. "I'm sorry Okay?"

"Might as well put try to put a bandaid on a bullet hole. Bye." I walked out before he could say anything else.

I probably should've listened to what he had to say but he, of all people, should know that I'm not exactly the most rational person when I'm upset.

Everyone was probably wondering where I was since it was well over thirty minutes and I hadn't even started to walk to Neal's house.

My facial expression must've been intensely upset, because I had several people ask if I was alright, to which I always replied my classic excuse, "I'm perfectly fine".

When I arrived at Neal's house, I considered just letting myself in and then criticized my thought of even doing so.

I knocked. A maid let me in and told me where to find Neal's room.

The interior of the house was quite elegant and beautifully decorated. Everything was finely furnished. I found myself slightly jealous of it. I used to have millions of dollars to spare but fear of the police kept me from buying anything extravagant or splurging on the more finer things in life.

I reached Neal's miniature apartment and knocked on the door.

Neal answered it. "Blair! Come on in."

He didn't ask anything about why I was late? I found it odd but just let it go.

Agent Burke was also there looking over a few files on Neal's dining room, with a short, bald man wearing glasses.

I handed Agent Burke his coffee.

"Ah, thank you, Blair." He said, taking a sip. "Mmm. That's good."

"Oh Blair, this is-" Neal gestured to the short man, "Mozzie."

Mozzie looked up at the sound of his name and looked at me analytically. "So you're the famous Override. I expected someone more... impressive looking."


I smirked. "Oh it's fine. You're not the most impressive looking person either."

"Well I know I'm no Neal-"

"None of us are."

"Very true." Neal cut in. The rest of us just looked at him.

Something about Mozzie's personality made me like him.

Pointing to the files on the table, I asked. "What're those?"

"Those are all the files we have on Enigma." Agent Burke explained and handed me one. I assumed that's what they had named the new hacker.

It showed a list of all the banks that he'd robbed.

"No descriptions, witnesses, or leads?" Wow, this guy was good. The FBI only had information on what he had accomplished.

"He's completely clean." Neal answered.

"So much for starting on this tomorrow." I commented.

"I thought you'd enjoy starting early?"

"I am! Also, nice place Neal."

"Thank you."

"So how do I come into play here, Agent Burke?" I put the file back down on the table.

"Well we're hoping you can track him." Agent Burke said.

"I can, but it's going to need to be in the middle of the crime for me to pin point it correctly. You guys have any idea on when and where this guy is going to hit next?"

"We got an anonymous tip that his next would be in two days robbing the UBS."

I thought for a moment. Who'd have an anonymous tip on a hacker? It didn't seem likely. "We can try that but I doubt that's right. Do you know how hard it is to find where a hacker's going to hit next unless you catch them in the crime? Nothing of theirs is on paper so scratch out the idea of someone finding that out randomly. Their computers are crazily protected and encrypted. So they wouldn't have someone else hack into their own computers. And don't get me started on the hard drives. A physical hard drive can easily throw someone else off."

"Blair," Neal stated. "What's the hardest thing you've ever hacked into?"

Do I really want to tell them this? I was put in the spot light so I had no choice. "The pentagon..." I said quietly, then quickly threw in, "It was only once! About two years ago."

Agent Burke shook his head while Neal and Mozzie looked impressed. "That could get you sentenced to a lifelong stay at prison."

"I'm aware. That's why it was only once. I was curious if I could do it but I didn't learn any hardcore government secrets or anything."

"And they still didn't notice?"


While Agent Burke, Neal and Mozzie kept talking, I stayed quiet and thought about the anonymous tip. How would someone get that? Unless... "Do you think that Enigma would've given us the tip themselves? Like to throw us off?"

My sudden statement quieted the room.

"That's happened before." Neal said.

"Exactly. If we had all of our equipment set up at UBS then it would give Enigma their chance to rob whatever bank without us getting there." I fidgeted with my earrings.

"How'd you stay ahead of us, Blair?" Agent Burke asked me.

"Well I didn't tell anyone my plans, I usually used an external hard drive that I could throw away afterwards, always used a wig when I went in to steal a painting to help hide my identity, and never planned anything in advance."

"Really? All of your heists were spontaneous?"

"Most of them. I figured that no one could figure out where I'd hit next if I didn't know myself and I work better spontaneously." It was true. I did work better spontaneously.

"That's a valid point."

"So we have no idea what this guy's next move is?"

"We do know that all the banks are within a few miles of each other."

"So what's the bank that's closest to the other ones?"

"Apple Bank."

"Then that's where he might hit next."

Please note that I'm using legitimate bank names but if I get something wrong on them don't shame me. I'm just using their locations and names.

HACKED: a White Collar fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora