Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: So sorry this chapter is much later than I usually post. It's been a very busy week. Hopefully from now on I'll stay on my usual schedule of posting a new chapter every 4-6 Days.

Blair's POV

My eyes snapped open. It was still dark outside, but I heard a few birds chirping. I looked at my alarm clock. It read 5:21. I could've easily gone back to sleep for an extra nine minutes but decided not to. I wouldn't have been able to fall asleep that fast anyways.

I swung my legs out of the bed, and shut off my alarm clock. I put on the same outfit as yesterday, with the exception of wearing a black shirt instead of the white one and started down the stairs.

Just like yesterday, no one was awake yet. I liked being up earlier than everyone. I wouldn't have to talk to anyone yet. I got through a quick breakfast alone and then went back upstairs.

This morning was just like yesterday's without any human interaction.

I didn't see anyone until it was 6:55, when I finally made my way downstairs.

Elizabeth and Agent Burke were eating breakfast.

"Would you like some?" Elizabeth gestured to the cereal.

I shook my head and sat down on the couch, tying my shoes. "I already ate. But thank you."

"Oh. Already?"

"Yea. I hope that was okay..."

"Yes, it's fine." Agent Burke smiled at me, which I returned.

"I'm going to walk there today if you don't mind. I'm gonna get some Starbucks on the way."


I moved my hair behind an ear. "Would you want me to get you any?"

He thought for a moment. "French roast and thank you, Blair."

A soft smile spread across my face. "No problem. Any for you, Elizabeth?"

She shook her head and smiled. "I'm good, thank you though."

I reached for a hair tie on my wrist but was met with disappointment when I realized that I didn't have one. I groaned. "C'mon.."

"What's wrong?" Agent Burke asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing really, I just can't find a hair tie. I'll be fine though."

Elizabeth handed me one. "Use this."

"Thank you." It was a small kind gesture but it touched me. Anyone willing to share a hair tie with me was someone I liked. I gathered my hair together and put it in a bun. "I'm gonna get going. I saluted them and walked out.

No matter how early I could leave my house, there's still be people walking on the street and driving their cars. There'd still be buildings lit up and there'd still be noise.

It was only a few minute walk to the nearest Starbucks but it still took me ten minutes to get there since I took my time.

There was already a line forming at the front counter, I got there third in line.

A French roast for Agent Burke and a Caramel Frappuccino for me.

I played the order in my head over and over so I wouldn't get the chance to mess up the order. But, of course, once it was my turn to order, I completely fumbled over my words.

The barista looked at me pitifully. "Are you sure that's what you want?"

"Yes. A-" Agent Burke had never told me a size to get so I went with a large for him and for me. "Venti Caramel Frappuccino and a venti French roast. Please." I got the order right this time, with no stuttering.

I paid, told her my name and went to go stand in the corner to wait for the drinks. Through the corner of my eye, I could see a very familiar person conversing with someone I didn't know. It was Carter.

What was he doing here? He didn't work at this Starbucks. I was tempted to go ask him that but decided against it. I had a new life and he wasn't in it.

My drinks were ready. I picked them up and looked at the name written on them-Blayne.

Blayne? That's a first. I've gotten Blake and Blaire before but never Blayne. I didn't even think my name sounded like a "Blayne".

I chuckled quietly and walked out, humming Turn It Off by Paramore.

I'm sorry this chapter is shorter than what I usually go for and for how late it is. Next chapter should be up sooner than this one was.

And thank you guys for 850 reads!

-Julia Stone

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