Chapter Thirteen

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Blair's POV

By the time the movie was over, it was dark outside but still early enough for me to walk home by myself.

As Neal walked me down the stairs the scent of pizza floated up towards where we were. I'd completely forgotten about the pizza I ordered three hours ago. We found Mozzie sitting on a couch eating the last slice. I was surprised that it had even lasted long enough for me to find it.

"Thank you so much for sharing the pizza that I bought. " I sarcastically said.

"Well you two never even came down for it." Mozzie argued.

"I was never informed it had arrived." My eyes narrowed. "I expect payment by tomorrow, Mozzie."

Mozzie looked like he was about to punch me until he laughed, which I responded with a perplexed facial expression. "I like you. Never change."

"Oh. Uh. Thanks. But I still expect the money." Neal and I walked to the front door, leaving Mozzie with the rest of my pizza. "Thanks again. See you tomorrow, Neal."

"Bye Blair. Be safe." He waved as I walked out of the gated front door.

"I can take care of myself. But I appreciate the concern." I strode down the streets of New York. It still was busy-Not that New York City ever slept.

It was so busy in fact that I got knocked down by someone. Someone I knew very well:Carter.

"So sorry!" He apologized. "I'm sorry. I-" He obviously recognized who I was. "Blair?"

"Yea. What do you need?" Once again, I was in no mood for Carter's crap.

"What are you doing in this side of town?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Meeting a friend. Listen, I have to go. I got work really early tomorrow."

Carter raised an eyebrow. "You have a job? Where are you working?"

"I work for the FBI. Now if I don't get to my place, I'll sleep in and be late. Bye." I jogged away, swerving here and there to avoid bumping into people. I didn't stop jogging until I reached Agent Burke and Elizabeth's house.

When I tried to open the door, I found it already open. Nobody was downstairs. I'd be able to slip into my room easily without any problem.

Right before I was about to shut the door, I heard Agent Burke call my name. "How was Neal's?"

"It was good. We watched Forrest Gump instead of Legally Blonde."

"Good choice in movies."

"Yes it is." I shifted awkwardly in my doorframe. "Did you have a nice evening?"

"Yes I did."

"Good. I'm going to get to sleep early." I started to shut my door before he stopped me again.

"It's only nine, Blair. You never go to sleep early."

"Well... Yea, but I figured if I have another nightmare, I'd still get a decent amount of sleep and-" I rambled.

Agent Burke stopped me. "What nightmares?"


"Nothing really. They're silly. Goodnight." I shut my door and went straight onto my computer. Nothing like a little YouTube to calm someone down.

I put on some more Oddly Satisfying videos and I immediately felt more relaxed. I'm not sure why I liked the videos so much but I did. I watched them for a good hour until a knock on the door interrupted me.

Sighing exasperatedly, I shoved the computer off of my lap and got up to open the door.

Elizabeth stood outside my door. "May I come in."

I shrugged. "Sure." I sat down on one side of my bed, near the pillow, and she sat on the end. "So what's up?"

"You know you can talk to me if you ever need to right?"

"Well, this is abrupt. What brought this up?" I fidgeted with an earring.

"Nothing! Nothing. It's..." she paused. "It's just so you know."

I raised an eyebrow. "Thanks."

"No problem." She got up and left the room without another word.

"Well that was weird." I muttered to myself and went back on to my computer.

Instead of watching more Oddly Satisfying videos, I was feeling more of a need to go hack into someone's computer. I was aware that this computer was being watched at all times or at least recorded, but I could easily shut that down.

I could've just deactivated the software watched my computer but that was equivalent to cutting my tracking anklet. So I forwent that idea. But instead of coming up with a new idea, all I got was one single thought:sleep. I'd probably need it. Especially if I was going to be up at 3am tomorrow night.

Wishing I had the will power to hack into something, I got ready for bed instead. I put on my sweat pants and a t-shirt, which was my equivalent to pajamas, and took off my makeup. Next, I braided my hair into two French braids and that was that.

I could still see the light coming out from underneath my time door, signaling that others were still awake.

I got into my bed and laid there for a moment before I obtained my computer and played some classical music quietly, loud enough for me to hear but not loud enough to disturb others.

Music was calming and kept my mind off of all the other stuff in it.

This wasn't a sleeping technique I had used in a while but I do remember it had helped in the past so hopefully it would help me again.

Sure enough, after laying there, listening to Jennifer Thomas, my eyes began to close and then I dozed off.


I'm practically in shock that this story is at more than 700 reads and it's only been out for a little over a month! That's crazy! Thanks for reading my story!

Also, don't be afraid to comment. I'd love to hear if you're enjoying the story, if there's something I could write better or if there's a plot hole. If there's a plot hole please tell me so I can fix it.

-Julia Stone

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