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I woke up on the floor in a room with a single deadbolt door. I made note of a tiny slit near the ceiling, covered with steel bars like a prison cell. I could see grass from the hole. The room was clearly somewhere underground. There was a bowl of water and repulsively slimy canned food in the corner. The ceiling was leaky, and thick drips of ooze fell into my ratty hair.

Without warning, the small rectangular peep hole slid open with a creak. A man stood at it, breathing huskily. All I could see were his piercing green eyes.

"You've been a sinner Cheryl Blossom."


I was a nervous wreck. Nobody had seen Cheryl all weekend, and she hadn't come to school Monday or Tuesday. Her mom and uncle insisted that she was ill, but after hearing Cheryl's speculations about their weird behavior, I wasn't convinced.

After second period on Wednesday, I hooked onto the crook of Veronica's elbow, dragging her sharply around a corner. She shouldered me off in confusion.

"I know you're my best friend's girlfriend, but if you break my nails I will not hesitate to kill you."

"There are more pressing issues at hand!" I whisper-shouted, "Nobody has seen Cheryl all week and her mom and uncle are acting really weird."

Veronica crinkled her brow. "Now that you mention it, she hasn't texted me since Friday."

"Exactly! Is there anyone, anyone, that might know where she is?"

Her face brightened with an epiphany. "Nana Rose! She sees everything that's happening!"

I quickly turned, grasping her wrist so tightly, I thought I might break it. We had sprinted halfway to freedom when I heard a sweet voice yell behind me.

"Wait! Toni, Veronica!"

Betty's delicate hand grazed my shoulder. She placed herself in front of me, cornering us.

"Toni, I know we haven't always gotten along, what with the whole Jughead thing," she started, "but I'm really glad that you've found happiness with Cheryl."

"So?" I said with an unintentionally accusing edge.

"So, I want to help. Whatever crazy scheme you have, I want in." She grabbed my hand. "After all, we're all in this together."


There was a loud knock on the door. I ignored it at first, but the person persisted.

"Answer the door, woman!" Claudius yelled from the other room.

I hurriedly opened the door just a crack, to see three girls: Hiram Lodge's daughter, my unfortunate niece Betty, and the whore that Cheryl was with the other night.

"Good morning, Aunt Penelope. How's Cheryl doing?" Betty queried.

I stuttered, "S-She's fine."

"We know how busy you must be, and she's too sick to do it, so we were wondering if we could treat Nana Rose to a walk? It's beautiful out."

I was hesitant. I bit my lower lip. Nana was nearly brain-dead at this point so it's not like she'd be able to spill Cheryl's location, but she was still a witness...

"Fine," I decided, "I'll wheel her out."


We took Nana out to the garden, Veronica manning the wheelchair while Betty tried to coax simple conversation out of her with small talk. I finally became frustrated. We weren't getting anywhere! Every minute we wasted talking about how crazy the weather is was another minute that Cheryl could be hurt, or worse.

"Nana, you're going to have to really use your brain. Where is Cheryl?"

The old woman was quiet.

"Please, she's all I have."

I could see Betty and Veronica giving me a pitying side eye, but I didn't care. I was ready to break down in tears.

"H-H-He took her," Nana croaked.

I manically grabbed her shoulders, nearly crunching the fragile bones.

"Who? Who took her?"

"The Black Hood."


He's backkkk😈


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