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I opened my eyes in a magnificent marble church. The ceilings stretched as high as I could see. There's a beautiful velvet carpet running along a long walkway. I found my vision obscured. However, I was calm, almost like I knew what was happening. Music reverberated throughout the dreamy structure.

At the end of the aisle, a figure in a fitted white dress stood next to an officiant. I took slow, proud strides. My pink and red bouquet bounced in my hands as the lacy ribbon tendrils binding it curled. I bit my scarlet lip.

This is it. This is my future.

I finally reached the altar. The priest cued me for my vows, and I took a deep breath.

"Toni. What can I say? I've spent my whole life with you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You are my lighthouse, guiding me to the white sandy beach. You are my anchor, keeping me safe and in shape, but always knowing when to get up and let me fly. You've taught me a compassion I never thought I'd ever feel. When I lost Jay Jay, I felt completely lost. You showed me the way, and I will forever be grateful. Therefore, I, Cheryl Marjorie Blossom, vow to protect and love you, in sickness and in health, til death do us part."

The priest nodded in approval, and smiled warmly, "Do you, Antoinette Topaz take Cheryl Marjorie Blossom to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

'What's an Antoinette?' I mouthed teasingly. She rolled her eyes.

"I do," the bubblegum-haired beauty crooned.

"Do you, Cheryl Marjorie Blossom, take Antoinette Topaz to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do!" I said tearfully.

"You may now kiss the bride."

We both leaned in, and I welled up with overwhelming joy. Closer, closer-


A horrifying dark shadow was cast over us. First, it snatched up Toni in its ravenous jaws. Then, it turned and swallowed the attendees. I hadn't seen before, but in the pews were Jason, Heather, and a strange, curly haired boy who claimed to be my cousin, Charles; the dead. They were suddenly taken by the monster, who tore them to shreds in a terrifying display of savagery.

Finally, he turned to me, a huge black blur. Suddenly, without warning, great green slits which could only be his eyes opened up, followed by a cracked, cheshire grin. He swallowed me up in the blackness. I started to scream in fear.

And then I opened my eyes.


I had been sitting beside her all day. I ran my thumb across the back of her hand as I cooed. I tried to coax her back to me, but she remained unresponsive. Sometimes I brushed a stray piece of immaculate red hair from her face (not that she would know). Every once in a while, she'd fidget and Eloise would check on her. However, there were no major changes.

Suddenly, she made a horrible gurgling, followed by screaming. I held down her arms and tried to calm her down while I relentlessly slammed the nurse call button. Then, she laid still and squeaked out a small cough before fluttering her eyes open to the room.

She started crying tears of both joy and terror. She clung to me and slumped her arms around my shoulders, crumpling into a wailing heap.

Eloise rushed in and pried her off. She gingerly laid her head back onto the pillow and checked on her.

"She seems fine," she said in wonder, "I've never seen something quite like this."

"So?" I asked hopefully.

"So she's all set to go. We'll have her out of here by 6 pm. Just make sure she takes it easy for a month or 2. After all, there's no miracle cure."

I giggled with glee. It was more than time for everything to go back to normal.


Veronica and I pulled the truck back into Sabrina's driveway. We both were heaving our shopping bags (not to be vain, but we were planning on staying for a while, and only had the clothes on our backs). She chuckled at my wisecrack, her boisenberry lips dancing in a smile.

We grabbed the key from under her Welcome mat, and tried to open the door. It seemed to be stuck.

"That's funny," Veronica laughed nervously. She jimmied the door once more, this time with a bejeweled hairpin. It clicked open, only for us to find that it had been crusted with red. "Hello?" she called, inching in. She kept her pepper spray at her waist, fingers hovering at the trigger.

A loud sobbing emitted from the kitchen. I rushed over.

Sabrina was a weeping mess on the floor. In her hands were tufts of short black fur, which she desperately tried to piece back together.

"It's Salem!" she bawled hysterically.

I looked up in horror to see Sabrina's lovely cat, Salem, hanging by his tail on the ceiling fan. You couldn't even tell it was a cat anymore; it had been completely skinned. A blood splattered note had been crumpled on the floor. I bent over and picked it up. I cupped my hand to my mouth in disgust and terror.

'I know they're here - BH'

I read and reread the note. My hands shook as I passed it to Veronica, who had the same reaction. Like an arrow, my phone's ringtone pierced the air.

"Lollypop, lollypop, ooh lolly lolly lolly..."


1. I'm so sorry for the gross imagery about Salem.

2. I finally wrote a lil bit of fluff, but alas, it was all a dream (dun dUN DUN)

Also, I made a new cover!! I'm so so happy that I finally got rid of the default one! The apps I used were Superimpose and Phonto.... ALSO ALSO I HOPE MY BABY CHERYL IS GOING TO BE OKAY AND THAT THE BLACK HOOD DOESN'T HURT MY BEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY ROBERTO, WTF

QOTD: What should Sabrina's connection to the BH be? (she's gotta come into play somehow ya know?)

Who do you think the BH is?

Do you like the new cover?

Don't forget to leave any suggestions or requests in the comments! 😊😊😊 I wanna hear about what cameos you want to see, what ships should make an appearance, and most of all WHO YOU WANT THE BLACK HOOD TO BE!!!


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