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A girl roughly my height (and that's not saying much) hurled herself down the stairs. She was flushed with pink. Her scarlet ears stood out next to her bleached blonde hair. Her locks were cut into a choppy bob that rose just to her chin. It got shorter in the back, and she had wavy bangs that perfectly suited her. Her face was sprinkled with freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her cheeks were naturally rosy. She frantically tied the rope of her bath robe.

"I-I'm so sorry, I just- I didn't realize you were coming," she stammered. She patted down the wrinkles in the robe and composed herself. "You must be Betty. Jughead's told me a lot about you."

She shook Betty's hand, then mine and Veronica's. She was friendly and reminded me of a child in arrested development. She was just so warm and friendly, just like the town she lived in.

"Please, come in!" she gestured.

The boy kissed Sabrina's forehead. "I'll go make some coffee for the guests."

"Oh, that's Harvey. He's my boyfriend..." she giggled.

I dropped down on the couch anxiously. My fingers tapped on the screen of my phone. I was just itching for the doctors to call. I knew that Betty took me here to rest, but all I could think about was Cheryl. I snapped out of my nervous daze when Sabrina took my hand in hers.

"I can tell you're stressed. What's on your mind?"

We all were silent.

She questioned, "In fact, I don't think you even told me why you're here. I mean, I'm honored to have you here, but if it wasn't an emergency, Jughead would've called me first."

"It's fine," I assured, "We're all still kind of shaken up about it though."

With Betty and Veronica occasionally interjecting, I reluctantly told her about Cheryl and I, the Black Hood, Penelope... everything. She sat with her hands folded in front of her face, silent tears forming in her eyes.

She choked, "I'm so sorry, Toni. I just can't even imagine what you must be going through right now. If there's anything, anything at all, that I can help with, don't hesitate to let me know. My aunts won't be back for a while, so you're all welcome to stay as long as you like. I'll sleep on the couch if I have to."

I was shivering, but my eyes thanked her for me. I felt like I could tell her anything.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said manically.

"Is this Antoinette Topaz?"

"Yes, yes it is," I said, pacing around the living room.

The lady replied monotonously, "You're listed as Cheryl Marjorie Blossom's emergency contact. We need you to get here right away."

Oh my god.

I was already flying out the door, my coat draped over my shoulders haphazardly. I ignored the girls' protests and leaped into the truck. I split down the road, tires screeching around corners.

I'm coming baby, I'm coming.


Toni was just a blur of pink and black, and then she was gone. I ran back inside to gather my own things, but Betty hooked onto the crook of my elbow.

"Veronica, where are you going?"

I breathed in hurriedness, "If Toni bolted that quick, something must be wrong, I-" She struggled with me until I began to beg, "Please B, Cheryl's my best friend! On the lake she trusted me with her life!" I started sobbing. "I was supposed to protect her..."

She wrapped her arms around me and patted my back softly. She let me sob while Sabrina made up the room for us. I vented until I could barely gasp between cries.

"Shhh," she consoled, "this isn't your fault. It was never, ever, your fault."

"But I-"

"Please believe me," she whispered, wiping a tear from my cheek. "You're an incredible girl. Archie, and Cheryl, and Toni, and I are lucky to have someone like you."

I mouthed a thank you as another waterfall of tears cascaded down my face. She kissed my hand and smiled, radiating warmth.

Oh Betty, what would we do without you?


After Betty managed to calm Veronica down, I meekly tiptoed around the corner.

"Is everything alright in here?" I asked sweetly, pretending as if I hadn't heard her meltdown. "The rooms are ready."

Betty glided over to me, letting Veronica take deep breaths while sinking into the couch. "I just want to thank you, for everything. If you want to keep your room, I'd like to stay with Veronica. She's kind of going through a rough patch... I don't want her to be alone right now."

I was a little stunned, but I played it off, "Oh, are you sure? I don't want you to feel unwelcome."

"No, no, of course not. I just think that it'd be less trouble for everyone if I stay with her."

A smile spread across my rosy cheeks. "Alright Betty, now go get some rest. And just know that if you need something, Harvey and I are right here."


My heels clicked as I speedwalked down the hallway. The generic white tiles were making eerie echoes.

"She's right this way," the nurse said hurriedly.

Just as we were getting close to Cheryl's room, she blocked my way with a clipboard.

"Before you go in there," she warned, "there's something you should know."

"What is it? Is she alright, tell me she's alright!"

"I don't know how to tell you this, but.... it's worse than we thought."


UGHHH there was no Choni this episode (but they totally made up for it with the deleted duet)!!!!!!!!!! I think it was one of the best episodes yet!!! Not gonna spoil it though...

QOTD: Who should the Black Hood be? (in this book)

Should I give Penelope redemption?

Do you pronounce it "Shoni" or "Choni"?

- LilyPopp

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