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I dialed Cheryl's phone as I mouthed a silent prayer that the black hood hadn't tossed it yet.

"Hello Betty. Do you have an offer for me, or are you going to waste my time?" the fearsome voice grumbled.

Toni quietly reassured me from the backseat of the truck we had borrowed from Archie.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. I'm sure you've heard of Hiram Lodge?"

"A sinner if I ever saw one," he chuckled. It left a feeling of hollowness in my stomach.

"His daughter is best friends with Cheryl. She'll be there to find her."

The Black Hood's voice dropped an octave. "When?"

I was sweating from the sheer nervousness. "Today. 5:00 pm."

"Ahhh," he sighed, "and I trust you'll be delivering her to me?"

"Yes. O-Of course," I gulped. A tight knot of guilt over putting Veronica in danger became tied in me, followed by an immediate fear that I might lose her for real. 

It's all a part of the plan. She knows what she's getting into.

"Thank you for your cooperation Betty. I'll see Madam Lodge at 5:00."


I wandered out to the grassy knoll outside the bunker. It was covered in a thick pelt of vines, its rusty ash colored walls barely visible under the growth. It was nestled in a tiny valley of sorts, just between 2 hills that somewhat shielded the bit poking out of the ground from sight. I could feel the heel of my shoes sinking into the peat.

My black earpiece was camouflaged in my raven hair, curled to perfection to accentuate my vanity; the girls said it made me look more sinful. I put on a mask of courage and self-sacrifice, assuring them that I knew what I was doing. Truly, I didn't have a clue. I was terrified. I wished I could be selfless and just do it, but I found myself scared. After all, I'm only in high school; I'm just a kid.

I turned my back to the door as I took in the cool air filled with the sounds of the forest. I listened closely, drowning out all noises around me as best as I could. Then I heard it, the steel door creaking ever so slightly. My body tensed with second thoughts. By then, the faint pattering of footsteps was too close to bail without getting my brain blown out the side of my head. I planted my feet firmly on the ground (not that I had the choice with the quicksand swallowing my shoes). A little click was followed by the cold outline of the barrel of a gun on the back of my head. I could hear my pulse in my ears.

"Hands on your head, " the criminal barked, "and down on your knees."

I did as I was told slower than molasses. 

There goes my tights.

Suddenly I snapped my hands back, catching him off guard and snatching the gun right out of his worn hands. I was impressed with myself, but I had no time for that. I took the rear of the gun and struck him square in the nose with it. I heard the crack of fragile facial bones. He still wasn't quite ready to fall over yet, so I gave him the push he needed by rearing up my foot like a horse. The heel of my stiletto had been whittled down to a point from the exposure. It nearly punctured him. Once he appeared to be out cold, I stood tall over him. Despite being beaded with sweat, a smirk spread across my face.

"That was for my best friend." 

Then I thought of Toni's pain, and what Cheryl must be going through without her support. I drove my heel into his chest. "And that's for trying to sink my Ship." 

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