Too Soon

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Hannah's POV 

I started talking to my laptop.

"Is this on? Yeah, it is. Okay. Hey you guys! I'm not feeling well enough to make a video today, but we have a livestream!"

I continued on with the livestream by answering questions and finding random things to talk about. I ended the livestream when Grace walked in.

Hannah: "Grace, I fell sooo terrible."

Grace: "Then go to the doctors office, I mean it couldn't hurt."

Hannah: "No, I'm sure that it will go away tommor-"

Grace: "Get off the couch and into the car. I care about you!'

I rolled my eyes.

Hannah: "Okay mom..."

Grace snicked as we walked out. We sat in the car lstening to the radio when 'Roar' came on. We both blared the lyrics out.


We both ended up laughing when the song was over.

Grace 's POV

I was really worried about Hannah, I mean when you're sick with a cold or something it isn't just a simple cold when on top of that you have cancer. I know it didn't really seem like it in videos but, I really cared about what Hannah was going through. She had to except the fact that she was going to die soon, what next? I didn't want to worry her more than she already was though. When we would talk I would act like everything was okay with me, but it wasn't. Hannah was putting pressure on me and she had no clue. I wanted the last months of her life to be amazing. Of course I didn't know how I could do that. I didn't know how to make her happy. She somehow made me happy without even trying. I didn't know how to do that to someone. I was terrible with making plans. I had thought of so many jokes that I could tell her, but let's be honest , I can't make jokes. I knew that she was going though pain and it hurt me that I couldn't do anything to help her. 

I parked the car and we walked inside. Hannah walked up to the front desk and they gave her papers to fill out.When she was done with the paperwork we made small talk. I wasn't going to engage into a full conversation because I coudn't stand seeing her act like nothing was wrong at all. 

Hannah was called back. I followed behind her into the cold white room. The doctor askedquestions and things that neither of us knew. They said that they would have to do blood tests and things like that. Hannah whinced as they stuck the needle in her arm. The doctor walked out of the room. I looked over at Hannah.

Hannah: "Grace, what if somethings wrong?"

Grace: "There won't be,okay? Just don't worry."

I had spoke too soon.

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