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C H A P T E R   O N E:

THE SOUND OF gloves hitting skin echoed through the room

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THE SOUND OF gloves hitting skin echoed through the room. The brunette woman threw punches left and right as she tried to defeat the man in front of her.

Her heart beating fast as she swung her leg towards the man. He dodged and swung his arm towards her face. She quickly blocked it and threw another punch in his direction.

The man dodged once again. " I think today's not your day Anya.", he teased, his noticable scottish accent ringing in her ears.

The brunette suddenly swiped at his legs, making him lose his balance. The woman quickly wrapped her legs around his waist and twisted her body, making the man hit the ground with a loud thud.

" You were saying?", she smirked.

The man huffed before removing his gloves. " Fine. You win Barnes. Now get your fat ass off of me."

Anya smiled triumphantly before standing up. She took of her gloves and held her hand out towards him. He took it with a defeated sigh and pulled himself up.

" I don't even know why I bother with you anymore.", he grumbled.

" Because you love me Kris.", she teased.

He rolled his eyes at her. " The shuttle for the academy leaves tomorrow, you ready to go back to school?", he asked, taking a drink from his water bottle.

" Oh yeah, can't wait to go back and teach people who flirt with me instead of listening to my discussions.",she said sarcastically.

Anya entered the academy when she was ten years old-thanks to her godfather who was once an instructor in the starfleet academy.. Most people wouldn't believe her whenever she told them she was an instructor in the academy. She graduated from Xenolingustics, biochemistry, Engineering, survival strategist, tactical weapons expert and medicine. It took her twelve years to master the courses-except for xenolinguistics, her accent doesn't really go well with the different languages.

" You know, you could've said no instead of sassing me.", he scoffed.

Suddenly her phone rang, filling the small gym with her ringtone.

The theme song of Dora the explorer filled her ears. She then glared at her best friend. " When did you change my ringtone? And why...this?"

Kris snickered. " Pay back for dyeing my hair green last week."

Anya smirked as she remembered the events that occurred that day. " Best prank ever.", she snorted as she visioned him sporting a flop of green hair.

Alternate Realities [JIM KIRK] (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now