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C H A P T E R E I G H T:

ANYA SAT BESIDE Jim as the shuttle began to depart from the enterprise

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ANYA SAT BESIDE Jim as the shuttle began to depart from the enterprise.

"You got the charges right?", Jim asked Olson.

The man grinned. "Oh yeah. I can't wait to kick some Romulan ass. Right?"

Anya rolled her eyes at him, she never really like Olson, he was too cocky and ignorant in her opinion.

"Yeah.", Jim muttered in response.

Olsen then looked at Anya and eyes her yellow suit. " Hey sweet cheeks , I think you look hot in that suit.", he flirted.

She rolled her eyes again. " Hey Asshole, shut up before I beat the shit out of you."

But Olson only grinned. " Feisty, I like it."

Jim tensed at this and glared at the engineer. He didn't like the way he was speaking to her, he just wanted to bash his smug face on the wall and throw him on the planet— Jim furrowed his eyebrows at this, why was he suddenly so protective over her. He shook his head at the thoughts and faced Sulu.

"So, what kind of combat training do you have?"

Sulu answered. "Fencing."

He then looked at Anya. " What about you?"

She went to answer but Sulu beat her to it. " She does everything from martial arts to Pak Mei."

She looked at him with raised eyebrows. " How did you—"

Sulu looked at her sheepishly. " Our combat instructor back at the academy really liked showing off his prized students."

Her cheeks reddened as Jim looked at her impressed. " How did you learn everything that quick?"

She shrugged. " I had alot of spare time...and a great fighting buddy.", she smirked as she thought of her bestfriend. Speaking of bestfriend, she really should visit Kristian in the engineering station as soon as she's done with this mission.

"Pre-jump.", Pike stated through the comms.

The group quickly put on their EV helmets and prepared for the space-jump.

"You are clear from USS Enterprise airspace...", A crewman stated over comms.

The group stood up and held onto the holder that was on the ceiling as they got ready for the drop.

Alternate Realities [JIM KIRK] (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now