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C H A P T E R T E N:

THE BRUNETTE'S HEART plummeted as she heard of the news

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THE BRUNETTE'S HEART plummeted as she heard of the news. She was currently locking herself in her room as she tried to keep herself calm. Once she did get her bearings straight she then proceeded to walk towards the bridge.

Thoughts were swarming in her head, she was afraid she was going to get whiplash. They couldn't have left him...Her godfather. Her only family. He couldn't be gone. He couldn't be dead.

Stop thinking about it Anya, he's probably fine.

No he's not, he's in a fucking Klingon ship! Probably being tortured and beaten. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before coming into the bridge.

As she arrived, she immediately spotted Spock. Her eyes softened at his state. To normal people, he looked fine. His face was stoic, void of emotion. But Anya knew better, she knows when he is happy, angry or sad.

Spock spotted her and said, " Lieutenant Barnes, you are supposed to be in the sick bay recovering."

" I'm fine Spo-Captain.", she caught herself. She wasn't used to him being captain, no offence to him, but it just didn't seem right.

" Are you sure—"

" Positive.", she lied. In all honesty, her side hurts like hell. But no one needed to know that. Right now they have to focus on getting their old captain back.

She then proceeded to go to her station and checked how many if the photon torpedoes there are left in case anything happens.

"Have you confirmed that Nero is headed for Earth?", Spock asked.

"Their trajectory suggests no other destination, Captain.", Uhura replied as she checked her monitor.

He nodded. "Thank you, Lieutenant."

He then spotted Kirk seated in the captain's chair, which irritated him even more.

"Earth may be his next stop, but we have to assume every Federation planet's a target.", Kirk stated as he lazily sat on the chair.

"Out of the chair.", Spock ordered.

Kirk rolled his eyes at him and got up unwillingly before  walking over to Anya. He was currently worried about her mental state. She just witnessed their parents' murderers take their captain, her godfather. He could only imagine how traumatising that must be for her. He didn't need to be a doctor to know that she was far from ok, no matter how many times she tells Spock she is.

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