Dont let go (73)

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Taehyung open his hand and let a knife fall down into the palm of his hand.

"Taehyung this is insane! This is why you need your medicine! This is not you!" Jimin cry and try to protect his body with his arms.


"Just take the pill and you will see this clearer I pro-" Jimin doesn't get to finish his sentence before a sharp blade is dragged cross his arm.

Luckily the knife is not close enough to cut him too badly, but his shirt is ruined and blood can clearly be seen from the cut.

Jimin scream and fall back on the cold floor.

Taehyung hurry to get on top of him, using his elbow to hold the older down. Placing the knife across his throat.

"If I can't have you! NO ONE CAN"

A loud noise behind him, making Taehyung turn his attention away from the bloody boy.

Taehyung's clothes are ruined, his face and arms are bloody from being too careless with the knife.

A certain blond haired male is standing in the doorway, followed by a black haired male, the blond shorter than the black haired.

"TAEHYUNG" The blond scream and fun towards him, yanking him off Jimin, who can finally breathe.

"Jimin get his medicine! Please Jimin Please" the older beg and caress the boy's face. Taehyung still trying to escape his grip.

"LET ME GO! I DONT WANT YOU! GET OFF ME" he scream and kick the older.

"It's gonna be okay" Yoongi repeat and try to make him calm down, just until Jimin is finally back with the medicine.

After just 15 minuets the medicine start to kick in, and Taehyung start to slowly relax again. Tears run down his face as he look up a Yoongi, who get off him to pull him into a hug.

The black haired male walk up behind the younger, wrapping his hands around his waist.

"Are you okay?" He whisper.

"Now that you are here... I am" he respond and bring the older even closer to him.

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