Chopper x Reader

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"Where is everyone?! Luffy!? Zoro?! Usopp?! Nami?! Sanji?!" The little reindeer shouted out in desperation. He whimpered and continued walking the unknown woods.

"Is there tigers here? Or bears?" Making himself even more worried and paranoid, he picked his pace up and looked around. Trees and rocks.

"Where are they?" The Straw Hat pirates had ran into Smoker in a town and Luffy had told them to run and next thing Chopper knew, he ended up running too far. He was in the woods! He had tried going back the same way he came from but apparently that was the wrong way.

    Chopper looked up to the sky and saw it was getting dark through the trees leaves. He looked around in a panicked manner then screamed when he heard a twig break behind him. He started running and screaming, not knowing where he was really going. He looked back and saw nothing but just as he was about to stop, he banged into something. He fell back and winced in slight pain from falling on his butt.

"What in the world..." The furry being looked up and saw a huge black wolf. Chopper gasped and froze as the wolfs eyes locked onto him. It was not growling or baring its teeth. It just stared. Chopper laughed nervously before slowly getting up.

"Im sorry I bumped into you, sir... I should really look to see where I am going next time." The wolf remained quiet until a womans voice was heard. Its ears perked up and looked behind its shoulder. Chopper got worried by the idea that the wolf would attack an innocent woman instead. At least Chopper himself could defend himself but a woman alone in these woods, he wasnt so sure.

"HEY! Dont you think about hunting that woman!" His shaky voice was very noticable. The wolf looked back at him and sighed.

"What are you talking about, little one? Do you think all wolves are just man eating creatures?" Chopper blinked a few times in shock. This wolf is so sophisticated and seemed offended. Bowing immedietly, Chopper found himself apologizing to the big canine.

"S-Sorry, sir... Um, why is there a woman here anyways?"

"That is (Y/N). She has a cottage just behind those trees. Its really deep in the woods here. She really enjoys the plants and animals. She takes care of everyone here and we take care of her. I was observing you to see if you were a threat to her but you seem pretty harmless, plus I am not hungry."

"Hehehe..." Chopper walked past the wolf to follow your voice.

"Do you think she will be scared of me?"

"No. She will probably take you to her home, make you fat and keep you though."


"She thinks that every animal she sees out here in the woods just starves until she gets her hands on them."

"Well I am pretty hungry..." The reindeer laughed shyly.

"Come." The wolf walked ahead with Chopper close behind. As they passed the trees, there was eventually a clearing with a small light blue cottage. It was surrounded by colorful wildflowers and had fireflies all around it. It was quite cute and when Chopper laid his eyes on you, he thought it was very fitting.

    As you stood there picking apples from the tree, Chopper just stared with a blush. The wolf barked in your direction, making you jump and turn around. You saw your black furry friend and smiled.

"Well hello again, Lucifer. It's been a few days since I last seen you. I hope you are well." The wolf remained quiet as it stepped aside to reveal the small reindeer. Your eyes widened and sparkled with excitement.

"YOU ARE SO CUTE! LOOK AT YOU! OH MY GOODNESS!" Chopper was taken back by your words.

"YOU HAVE LITTLE CLOTHES AND YOUR STANDING LIKE A HUMAN! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOU! COME HERE I WONT HURT YOU!" You crouched down to him and went to grab him but he tapped your hand away and looked to the ground.

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