Chapter XXXIV

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Beautiful banner by everlasting341 😘🎉😭

Chapter Thirty-Four | Beginning

The wind howled, spurring the night on in its own song, creatures inserted their own sounds that blended and created a more powerful melody. My skin broke out in chills, goosebumps making their selves known to the world. My hair whipped around around my face causing me to tuck strands behind my ear and hold them as my gaze flickers around the area realizing I was in some type of woods.

Trees loomed overhead, the leaves creating shadows along the ground and over my body, I glanced behind me and could see from afar the Victorian castle standing broadly on its hill that overlooked everything. I realized, I was in the woods that surrounded the lively city, the sky still dark and gleaming.

There was a moment where I enjoyed the wind against my skin, and the way my lungs inhaled the fresh air rather than the room that smelt too much of Delano, but, at the same time not enough to ease the ache in my limbs that seemed to twitch to be within his arms and become surrounded by the protective veil he throws over me.

Suddenly the air tightens, darkening and causes my skin to prickle with awareness— danger. The dark in the sky pushes down on me, like a deflating balloon, engulfing me in pitch black as far as the eye can see.

I exhale and my breath comes out in a white cloud, indicating it was cold yet I didn’t feel it. Instinctively my hands reach down to cup my stomach and I find that my stomach was flat, panic pierces my heart, aiming for the kill as my fingers feel around for the hardness of the bulge. There was nothing. I look down and truly see my stomach was flat beneath my hands as if I was never pregnant.

Before my panic could escalate, the wind begins to pick up in speed, whipping my hair in my face and causing the leaves to tussle and sway. The atmosphere begins to darken and twist into something sinister, whispers whisking past my ear and swirl around me.

“Kaitlyn. .” a throaty voice echoes in the void that took place of the forest.

I turn towards the sound and see nothing, actually nothing, the sky was gone besides the moon that shone like a bright bulb in the sky the size of a watermelon, the trees were black and blended with the darkened background.

“We’re coming.”

“. . . Don’t get to comfortable. .”

A hoarse cackle follows afterwards, right by my ear, I hastily stumble away from the sound and nearly trip over my feet as I’m met with the sight of nothing. My breath come out in short pants, more fog collecting in front of my face and my heart was drumming loudly in my ears.

“I can hear your heartbeat, little girl. . .”

I slammed my eyelids shut and willed myself to wake up— hitting my temple with the heel of my palm— this all had to be a dream, it had to be and all I wanted to do was wake up.

“This isn’t your world.” the same voice echoed

“The worse has yet to come. . .”

“. . . And come it will soon.”

I place my hand over my ears, shaking my head. “Leave me alone!” I scream, falling to my knees and clutch them to my chest.

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