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Ayla sits in the back of the wagon, hood over her face as she watches the scenery go by. It was a shock when the Imperial soldiers didn't force her to remove her hood, but she wasn't going to remind them. She listens as the blonde Stormcloak soldier in front of her talks with the horse thief sitting near the edge of the wagon.

She pays no mind to their conversation as the wagon pulls into Helgen. She remembers this place, a small village near the border. Attacked a lot which explains the heavy presence of soldiers. The town was surprisingly empty, most likely due to the executions today.

"Come on, into the house," a man says and Ayla looks over her shoulder to see a young boy, no older than ten, sitting on the deck of his family's house. His dad is trying to usher him into the house, to which the boy argues.

Ayla meets the boys gaze as she looks over her other shoulder. She sends him a smile and a wink before looking away. Her eyes land on General Tullius and she stares at him, observing him closely. He walks with full confidence, head held high and trying hard to keep his smile at bay. A feat gained with being a military man for most of his life. If only he knew what was going to happen.

Ayla stands up when the carriage stops and follows the horse thief off of the wagon, where an Imperial soldier and a guard stand, waiting.

"Ulfric Stormcloak," the soldier says before writing something down in the book in his hands. The rebel leader walks over and stands amongst some of his soldiers who are also there to be executed. Ayla looks over at the group before returning her gaze to the horse nearby.

"It's been an honor, Jarl Ulfric," the blonde soldier who calls himself Ralof says just before his own name is called and he joins his comrades.

"Lokir of Rorikstead," the soldier calls out and the horse thief begins to panic.

"I'm not supposed to be here!" Lokir says loudly, "I'm not a Stormcloak!" he then runs off and Ayla closes her eyes, shaking her head, "You can't kill me!" he yells as he flees. He makes it a good distance until the archers shoot him down.

The soldier turns to her and checks the book, "she's not on the list," he says before stepping forward, reaching for her hood.

"We don't have time for this, Hadvar," the captain says harshly, causing the soldier to retract his hand, "she goes to the block like everyone else,"

"Yes, Ma'am," the soldier, Hadvar, says and looks back at Ayla, a sympathetic look on his face. Oh, if he only knew, "I'm sorry," he begins, voice laced with sympathy, "at least you'll die here amongst your kinsmen," he then walks off, the captain and Ayla following closely.

Ayla comes to a stop near Ralof and next to a redheaded Stormcloak. She counts around ten Stormcloaks and triple the amount of Imperials. This better work. She looks ahead to see a priestess giving them their last rights.

"Oh for the love of Talos, let's just get this over with," the redhead snaps angrily, walking forward and stopping in front of the chopping block. The priestess glares at the redhead before walking off, muttering a few choice words as she goes, "my ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials," the Nord says loudly as he kneels before the stone, "can you say the same?"

The redhead then lies his head down on the block voluntarily and everyone watches as the executioner swings the mighty ax down on the man's neck, ending his life. Ayla notices a few people on both sides flinching at the grotesque sound. Ayla stares at the man's head in the basket, wondering when the right time is.

"Next, the hooded Nord," the captain yells out and Ayla bites her lip, glancing at the woman before nodding to herself, "I said next prisoner!" the captain yells out again, this time much angrier. Ayla notices a few soldiers place their hands on the hilt of their swords, taking slow cautious steps towards her.

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