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Ayla pulls back on Sovn's reigns and the black horse shakes his head as he comes to a stop in front of the Riverwood entrance from the road from Whiterun. She stares at the burning buildings, hearing people screaming in pain or fear. She looks over at Xaliyah and Kharjo, momentarily shocked at what she is seeing.

She has, of course, seen villages that the Thalmor have burned down but only after everything has turned to ash. She never reached the village in time to save a majority of its inhabitants. She tries to urge Sovn towards the town, but he protests, refusing to take another step towards the flames. Ayla mutters to herself as she slides off of the horse and runs into the town, immediately seeing a dog leading a young boy out of the town.

"Mama! Papa!" the boy yells, his blonde hair now an ashen color. He stops beside Ayla, looking back at the town, waiting for his parents, "mama!" he yells again and starts coughing. Ayla ignores the familiar words and decides to focus on saving Riverwood's inhabitants. She bends down and turns him to face her.

"Where are your parents?" she asks, glancing back at the town as a few inhabitants manage to escape. She catches a glimpse of an elven man leading a young woman out of the town, his hand in hers.

"In-In my home," the boy replies, his voice shaking and the dog steps up and licks his cheek as an attempt to cheer him up. Ayla closes her eyes before standing, turning to look at Kharjo.

"Take him across the bridge and keep him safe," she orders before turning back to the flaming town of Riverwood, once a peaceful town that is now getting destroyed all because they spoke their minds. This only fuels her hate for the Thalmor, "Where do you think you're going?" Ayla asks Xaliyah as she tries to head into the town. The thief turns and raises her brows at the Dragonborn.

"I'm not letting you go by yourself, you're the Dragonborn," Xaliyah explains stubbornly, crossing her arms in front of her chest and taking a posture that says she refuses no for an answer.

"You're pregnant, Xal," Ayla says firmly and this catches the woman off guard, "I am not about to let you run into a burning town, Brynjolf wouldn't forgive me,"

Xaliyah gapes at the raven-haired woman, "H-How'd you know?" she asks softly, her arms lowering to her side.

"It's pretty obvious, Xal," Ayla pauses and waits for Xaliyah's response but a scream from within the town catches her attention, followed by the sound of a building collapsing, "stay here with Kharjo," she orders and Xaliyah reluctantly does as she is told, "Kharjo, stop her if she tries to follow," she adds the Khajiit nods before Ayla turns around and runs into the village.

Ayla coughs a bit as she enters the town, seeing only fire in her path. She freezes momentarily, her eyes widening and her heart rate quickening. This is familiar. Too familiar. The only things missing were the screams of pain and fear and the tears of those who accepted their fates and are spending their last minutes with their family. Ayla takes a half-step back before closing her eyes and shaking her head. This is no time to dwell on the tragedies of the past. There are people still alive in this town that need to be rescued.

She runs past the inn and rounds the corner, where she sees a guard trying to help an old woman escape. She stops in her tracks and turns around at the scorching flames behind her. The fire might not affect her, but they will affect everyone trying to escape, "Fo Krah Diin!" she Shouts and ice flies forward, dousing any flames that could pose a problem. She turns back to the two and nods at them, "hurry, the flames will soon return," she orders and they don't waste any time in speeding their pace.

Ayla sprints down the street and comes upon a house with its roof on fire. Outside, a blonde female is yelling at the house, trying to get her husband to leave, "Hod! Hurry up! Your stupid sword isn't more important than your life!" she yells and Ayla jogs up to her as a part of the roof caves in, causing the woman to cry out in fear, "Hod!" she calls out and receives no response, "Hod! By the Nine, get out of there!"

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