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Tal sits in front of the window in her room, eyes scanning over the piece of parchment in her hand that is Nazir's recent report of the Brotherhood's activities since she has been away during the war. There has been a steady flow of jobs and the new members of the Brotherhood have been doing a good job at handling them quickly and efficiently, exactly the kind of news she wants to hear.

After reading the report, she sets it aside on her desk and stares out of the window and into the dark night, reflecting on the events of the past few months.

The war against the Thalmor was nowhere near over.

Several war meetings were held and with each meeting, a strategy on how to fight and win against the Thalmor is slowly being made. It mostly involves hitting the Thalmor where it hurts the most and that would be Riften; they hold the city through Maven and, seeing as it is the city she grew up in, Ayla was not going to let it stay that way.

The plan to reclaim Riften is simple; they lay siege to the city, remaining non-hostile until Riften's citizens are out of it or below ground in the Ragged Flagon. Then they will take the city by force if they have to, leaving Maven nowhere to run but her bedroom, and only using the dragons if necessary.

When Riften is under Stormcloak control, that is when the war kicks back up; the Thalmor lose the one Hold they control as well as a valuable ally. Taliyah wonders, however, if that will be enough to make the Dominion desperate enough to get reckless with their movements.

On a higher note, Xaliyah has reached her ninth month in her pregnancy and the midwife has predicted the baby's arrival sometime this week. The news was joyous for the base and helped boost morale a bit, not by much tho. Brynjolf has excused himself from any meetings involving the war, preferring to be at his wife's side. Ayla did not argue.

Then came another letter from Asteria that revealed a Forsworn plot to reclaim the Reach by causing chaos and fear within Markarth's citizens. The news didn't go over well with Jarl Ulfric and Galmar, who insisted it was a ploy of the Thalmor to distract them long enough to attack. However, Ayla later told Taliyah that the Thalmor weren't involved because Asteria was working alongside a Justiciar on the case.

Of course, Taliyah still has her doubts about Asteria's new friend.

With the siege on Riften happening in a few day's time, neither Ayla or Ulfric could spare many soldiers to go restore order in the Reach, so they had to set the matter aside to be dealt with after Maven was dethroned.


Taliyah is walking down one of the halls, heading towards the training room, when she notices Ulfric approaching her, "Have you seen the Dragonborn?" he asks and Taliyah purses her lips, wondering if Ayla would be mad if she told him where she went.

"I have," she replies slowly, "Might I ask why you want to know her whereabouts?"

"I need to discuss matters dealing with the war," he responds instantly. Taliyah hesitates for a few seconds before nodding.

"She traveled up towards Dawnstar early this morning. She should be in a small village to the west of Dawnstar," Taliyah informs the Jarl, who nods and turns to walk back the way he came. Taliyah watches him go before taking a step forward.

"Jarl Ulfric," she calls out to him as he is walking away. He stops and looks back at her, "don't force her to say anything she clearly doesn't want to talk about,"

The man nods in response and turns around to leave. Taliyah watches him go, fidgeting with her fingers and wondering if she did the right thing and whether or not Ayla will be mad when she gets back.

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