Fort Snowhawk

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Taliyah stands along the outskirts of the Fort, shooting arrow after arrow at the enemy, who are putting up a decent fight against the Stormcloaks considering how they dwarf in number compared to their attackers. She releases the string and the arrow flies from it and into the throat of a charging Imperial. She watches with an emotionless face as he stops in his tracks, hand flying to his throat as he falls to the ground with a gurgling sound.

Sure, she should show more emotion when it comes to killing, but she is an assassin, trained in the way of taking a life without feeling remorse. And this is no different than the contracts. She looks away from the body and knocks another arrow as she aims it at another Imperial who is running to join his comrades who are teaming up against a single Stormcloak soldier.

She releases the arrow a second before she is knocked to the side, her bow sliding across the ground. She looks up to see a heavy man in Imperial armor, laughing maniacally and clanging his sword into his shield as he slowly makes his way towards her. 

She stands up and draws her curved dagger, keeping her eyes on him and ignoring the battle around her. Surprisingly, no other Imperial soldier rushes to join the fight. Most likely saw that she stood no chance against the behemoth of a man and focused their efforts elsewhere. Fine by her.

She rolls out of range of his first swing, slidding to a stop beside him, where she rushes forward and sends her dagger into his side, praying to the Divines she pierced an important organ. She pulls her blade out and ducks the shield he swings at her. He isn't weakened enough by her blow and she decides to go for a more riskier target; his throat.

So she waits for him to charge at her before sidestepping, allowing him to pass her. From there, she rushes forward and jumps onto his back, wrapping her arms around his throat and struggling to escape his hands that try to pull her off of him. Feeling more confident, she moves her right arm, dagger in hand, and places her feet against his back. With a final swipe of her arm, the blade slides across his throat and pierces the skin. She jumps off of his back as he rounds on her, trying in vain to hit her before he falls to his knees, dropping his weapons as he claws at his throat. She turns from him as his body falls to the ground and returns to the battle

The battle continues for another hour or so, Taliyah lost count, and the Stormcloaks are victorious.

Taliyah watches from afar as Stormcloak soldiers clean the fort of Imperial bodies, her arms crossed in front of her and wearing her usual emotionless face. Jarl Stormcloak stands in the middle of the courtyard, discussing something with his officers or something.

She lowers her gaze to the ground, a wave of boredom washing over her. She could leave now and maybe catch up with Ayla and her army before they reach Haafingar. She won't. She wants to save her energy for the attack on Solitude and rushing to retake another Fort would be the opposite of rest.

So, she will be riding alongside the Stormcloaks on their trek to Solitude for the final battle. Well, the first final battle.


Asteria walks into Understone Keep, wrapping her cloak tighter around her even though the building provides her with heat. She is in an area where she is still in danger, regardless if Stormcloak soldiers patrol the streets or a Stormcloak Jarl sits on Markarth's throne. The main danger being the Thalmor, seeing as a justicar paces in front of the Jarl and is accompanied by two guards.

She is here to discuss Forsworn movements with the Jarl then she will be able to return to the base. A small chore that will be completed within an hour or so. But she knows she won't be leaving the city for a while when the Justicar sees her approaching and stops his pacing, his guards muttering behind him, their gaze also on her.

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