The Hunt

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Song: King and Lionheart - Of Monsters and Men *doesn't apply to the chapter until after this first part*

"Fort Neugrad is located southeast of Helgen and is filled to the brim with Imperial Legionnaires," Galmar reports in his gravely voice, pointing to the area the fort is in, "those bastards managed to capture some of our finest men and waiting for the arrival of the executioner,"

Ayla looks at the old man through her eyelashes, the side of her finger resting on her lip and her right arm resting on her left, "so you want me to kill the executioner?" she questions, lifting her head and giving Ulfric a glance before looking back at Galmar.

"Not you," Galmar explains before looking over to where Tal leans against a wall to his left, "send some assassins to kill the man as he travels and buy us more time to rescue our captured brethren,"

Ayla looks over at Tal, silently questioning if she has any objections to the idea, "why not go in there with the dragons and burn the place to the ground?"

Ulfric lets out a laugh, "we need the fort standing," he explains simply as he leans forward on the table, "if we destroy it, we don't hold Falkreath. This fort is also heavily guarded and will take some time to form a plan to get inside undetected. If you send one of your assassins to kill the executioner, we will have that time while the Imperials at the base waiting for their executioner,"

"Who will never come," Ayla adds softly, her lips curling upward into a smile. She studies the map and nods, turning to her friend, "I'm game if you are," she adds and Tal sighs, pushing herself off the wall and approaching the table.

"Where is this executioner?"

Galmar steps forward and points at Rorikstead, "he was last seen in the tavern in Rorikstead," he explains, "that was a few days ago. By now he should be nearing the border of Falkreath and Whiterun holds. Somehow, you will have to get to our base in the hold so you can get to Falkreath before he does and assassinate him. How I do not care. Just make sure he doesn't get to Neugrad,"

Tal is silent for a few seconds, "it's a well-formed plan and all," she admits before standing up again, "but exactly how am I suppose to get to Falkreath in a few days? Shadowmere will never get me there in time,"

"If you aren't afraid of heights, I can have Odah take you to the Stormcloak camp," Ayla explains, looking over to meet her friend's gaze. Tal looks intrigued by the suggestion yet nervous at the same time.

"You sure he will let me?" Tal questions with a small laugh. Her nervousness was explanatory. Odahviing is known to be the dragon with the most attitude. He won't let anyone but Ayla touch or ride him. The last person who tried was killed so now most people stay away from the red dragon.

"He will if I tell him to," Ayla responds with a reassuring smile, "after you assassinate the executioner, you can either buy a horse and travel back here or stay in Falkreath until we attack Fort Neugrad. Should you stay, we will, of course, inform you about our plans,"

"How long until you two claim Fort Neugrad?"

"It's hard to say when," Ulfric is the one to answer, sparing a look over at the Dragonborn, "it could be in a week or a month. I want to make sure we have a safe way into the fort so we can attack from the inside,"

"That's another thing I want to discuss," a voice jumps in and everyone looks over to see Xaliyah walking over to stand next to Ayla, "who is going to sneak into this base? Because I don't think sending in a large group of soldiers with noisy armor is a wise idea,"

Ayla nods in response, seeing what she means and agreeing completely with it, "I agree," she states, "no more than two people should go in and free the captured Stormcloaks. It'll be quieter and safer,"

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