A Request

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"Find out who this Miraak is," Asteria orders one of her scholars, a young man with a want to learn more, "discover where he is, what he is capable of, and why he wants Ayla dead," the man nods and hurries off into the library, most likely to spend the next few hours delving into many books to get the answers he seeks.

Asteria watches him go before looking away, a sigh leaving her. It's been a few days since Ayla led a portion of the army towards Falkreath to meet up with the Stormcloaks to lead an assault on Fort Neugrad. Things at the base remain calm as it has always been and everyone feels safe, with the base being built near the top of the mountain and several soldiers patrolling the halls.

However, Asteria always worries about a surprise attack when Ayla and the dragons are away from the base. She fears the Thalmor especially. They are a smart organization with amazing strategic plans. She wouldn't put it past them to find a way to infiltrate the base and kill a good handful of people, both soldiers and innocent.

Asteria leaves the library, wanting to get out of the room for a few hours, and she opts to go to the park. Her robes move around her ankles as she walks, a book under her arm. She smiles at those that pass her as she travels through the base, rounding many corners until she reaches the massive doors leading to the Park.

She enters the large room that it was full of trees, grass, and any type of flower she can think of. It was big and there was even a small river that runs through it with a small waterfall at the start. Cobblestone paths form walkways for civilians as children laugh and giggle as they play in the grass. Butterflies fly around and there is a rabbit or squirrel here or there. It was like she was outside but without all the snow. She smiles as she remembers when the idea for the place was thought of.

She sits down on a bench beside the river, crossing her legs and opening the book. She smiles as she reads and listens to the laughter of children as they play. Occasionally, she would look up to see couples strolling through the park; elderly couples smile at their grandchildren while young lovers smile at each other, whispering sweet nothings. Asteria smiles at them, a hint of sadness in her eyes. Is this what her life would have been like if things went differently at the College? Her arm hooked with his while she stares up at him with love and admiration as they discuss their future?

"Lady Asteria, ma'am," a voice interrupts her thoughts and she turns her head to see a courier standing there, a letter in his hand. She takes in his dirty clothes and appearance and tries her best to ignore the stench coming off of him. She closes her book and sighs, slightly annoyed at the interruption.

"Yes, what is it?" she asks, her tone neither happy nor angry, just one of slight annoyance. The man seems unsure of himself for a second before slipping his hand into his pack and pulling out a single letter, folded neatly with a wax seal. A formal letter.

Asteria takes the letter with caution, ignoring the man as he walks off. She turns the letter around and studies the seal and her heart drops. The seal of the Thalmor is pressed into the dried wax. An official letter from the Thalmor. She looks over at the courier, who is walking down the path nonchalantly. She waves a guard over.

"Capture that man and put him in the prisons with two guards stationed by his cell," she orders in a soft voice, feeling the guard's curious look as she stares at the courier, "I fear that he is a Thalmor spy," she adds and that is all she needs to say before he goes and has the man arrested with the assistance of another guard. After a final glance at the courier being dragged away, Asteria looks down at the letter and slowly opens it, pulling out the neatly folded parchment. Just like the Thalmor; everything needs to be perfect.


I am certain that you are tired of fighting and want nothing more than peach. Believe me when I say that I want the same. This war is extremely exhausting for all sides and especially the citizens of Skyrim, who are caught up in the middle of all this needless fighting.

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