The Aftermath

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*This isn't my best chapter tbh...The ending isn't the best...*

The doors to Castle Dour are slammed open and a hurried set of heels can be heard approaching the large war room of the castle, where two well-armed people, a man and a woman, are quietly discussing tactics. Two bodyguards remain at the entrance, allowing the trio their privacy, even though it isn't needed.

"Tell me this isn't true!" the blonde woman snaps angrily, her words echoing in the room, stopping the General midsentence as she slams the letter on the table with a loud thud as she glares at both of them, fear and worry evident in her eyes, "tell me this is a lie! A ploy to - to get us to slip! Tell me something, anything but that this letter holds the truth,"

The white-haired general glances over at his second, not knowing what to say to the distraught woman on the verge of tears. They both know that she won't like his next words, that this will make her angry, sad, and vengeful. She will be hysterical. But he isn't one to keep secrets from those who don't deserve them.

"The forces we sent to protect Whiterun was enough to deter an assault from the Stormcloaks," he begins after taking a deep breath, refusing to meet her gaze, "they were not, however, strong enough to protect it from two armies, two dragons, and a Dragonborn," he falls silent, hanging his head at the weight of the defeat.

The woman gapes at him, so many emotions running through her that she doesn't know how to react like a proper lady. So she doesn't, "so you're telling me that you failed to get the Dragonborn on our side and instead, she decided to side with that....that murderous, traitorous usurper of my husband's throne!" she responds, each word getting louder and louder until she is yelling at the two, tears threatening to spill.

"Lady Elisif, there are ways we can come back from this,"

"You think the mass of your men will be able to stop the Dragonborn, General Tullius?" the woman snaps furiously, her demeanor no longer that of the Jarl of Solitude, but that of a mourning wife seeking vengeance for her husband's death, "the Dragonborn, Tullius, really?"

Tullius sighs, knowing what she says is true but he needs her to keep up hope that her husband's death will be avenged, "she may have dragon blood running through her veins, Elisif," he begins, looking the blonde in the eye, "but like all dragons, she can be slain,"


"Before the ancient flame," Athena begins, her voice soft yet strong in the air. Both rebellions are gathered on the balcony of Ayla's base to honor the fallen of both the attacks on Dawnstar and Whiterun. Ayla stands in front of the large pyre that she will set on fire when the speech is over. Dawnbreaker is in her hands and every soldier around her has their sword drawn.

"We grieve," she says as does everyone else. The Stromcloaks, still new to this tradition, remain silent since they don't know the words. Athena offered to speak this speech since the first pyre they lit in honor of the fallen months back. It was a sacred speech for the Companions, but since they have joined Ayla's rebellion, Athena wanted to say it when they honor the fallen.

"At this loss," Athena says, her eyes closed as the wind blows through her dark hair, untucking strands from the braid her hair is in. Ayla keeps her gaze on the golden sword in her hands, shining proud and strong.

"We weep," she says along with everyone else. Ayla looks upwards at the towering pyre. They have long since buried the dead in their respective graves in their hometown or city. This pyre will burn to honor them for their sacrifice.

"For the fallen," Athena continues with a strong voice. Ayla tightens her grip on the hilt of Dawnbreaker, feeling guilty for all these deaths.

"We shout," she says softly while the others say it loud and proud. She stares at the pyre, naming sticks here and there. The big stick on the bottom is Balgruuf for he lost his title and family in one day. He may still be alive, but his pride is gone. The two smaller ones beside him is his children, who lost their father that night.

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