One Step Closer

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It is the next day and Ayla is sitting on the walls that encircle Windhelm, leaning against the wall of one of the towers, staring down at the half-frozen river below as a ship heads towards Windhelm's docks. A gust of wind blows through her hair and she takes a deep breath. Her arm rests on the bent knee of her right leg while her left leg is stretched out. She is clad in her usual black armor, though without the cloak.

A sound next to her reminds her of the second presence on the wall. She smiles up at Aaryah as the dragon stands on her legs, stretching both wings out before lowering them and looking at Ayla, "you seem quiet today, Aaryah," Ayla says as she tosses another fish at the dragon, who catches it with ease before swallowing it whole, "no thoughts on the battle we soon face?"

Aaryah makes the dragon equivalent of a hum, "Nid, Dovahkiin," was her reply. Like the other dragons, Aaryah has a deeper voice than you would expect a female to have, but there was also a bit of a softer tone that a woman would have, "I know how you krif - fight, I've seen your soldiers fight ol pruzel - as well. These Stormcloaks I can't say the same for, but with Odahviing and I, this battle should be easy,"

Ayla gives a short laugh as she looks back out at the landscape below as an eagle screeches from nearby, "do you think this is crazy?" she asks the dragon again, keeping her gaze on the boat below, "allying with the Stormcloaks thus making the Empire our enemies as well?" she adds when feeling Aaryah's confused look.

Ayla hears the dragon's tail scrape against the wall behind them, "more insane, really," Aaryah says simply and Ayla laughs, taking a bite out of her bread after, "but no, it was smart. The Thalmor are mul - strong, it would take some time, but your army would have fallen eventually,"

Ayla sighs, wondering how things were going back at the base. Did Tal plan the funeral? Did Xaliyah send thieves to steal anything valuable from a Thalmor camp? Being in Windhelm, so far from where her rebellion is based, is stressing her out, "I need to go back," she announces, causing Aaryah to glance at her, "if there is to be a battle then I must be organizing my army from where they are, not a day's ride away,"

"Where are you going?" Aaryah asks as Ayla starts walking over to the steps leading down to the city. She turns slightly to get a better look at the Dragonborn, head tilted slightly in confusion. Aaryah lets a soft growl leave her throat before turning back around to face the landscape. With a single beat of her wings and a step forward, she is flying in the sky once more, a loud roar leaving her.

Ayla walks through the city, weaving through the people traversing their city, as she makes her way to the Palace of Kings. She wasn't asking for permission to leave the city. She didn't need it. She was going to inform Ulfric that her and Kharjo are departing the city and suggest they make plans to have their armies meet at Whiterun in a few days time.

She spots Kharjo sitting at the table, happily munching on a steak while reading a few letters. Most likely sent from the base, "any news?" she asks and the Khajiit shakes his head, setting his fork down.

"Nothing new. The funeral planning is complete and waiting until you arrive back. The Thalmor mission you gave the others is still being planned,"

Ayla nods. Another reason why she needed to return to the base. A bunch of her soldiers needed to be buried and she wants to be there to honor them herself. After informing Kharjo of her plans, she approaches the throne Ulfric is sitting in, ignoring the glare she receives from Laila, "I have news I wish to discuss in the war room," she says bluntly, ignoring any and all pleasantries as she walks off toward the said room in a hurried pace, Kharjo jogging to catch up.


"I plan on returning to my base right after this meeting," she informs both Ulfric and Galmar, "there are preparations I need to make before the attack. We need to figure out a spot where both of our armies can meet before initiating the attack,"

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