Fort Neugrad

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The sounds of the clashing of steel and the roars of overhead dragons fill the night sky as they set the fortress aflame, causing several Imperial soldiers to flee the burning area. Ayla ducks a swinging sword and sends hers into the gut of an Imperial, hearing him grunt above her and go to grasp the blade before falling to the ground, where her sword slides out.

An enraged yell catches her attention as she stands, blade in hand with fire in the other. An Imperial soldier, mad enough to charge at her, is glaring pure hatred her way, murder in his eyes and the hope to be the one to kill the Dragonborn. She watches him approach as Xaliyah takes care of the soldiers behind her, an amused look on her face as the Imperial gets closer and closer, smirking as he sees his chances of success rising with each step.

A roar from one of the dragons drowns out the fighting as the beast swoops down, claws extended and ready to sink themselves in meat, and soon the charging Imperial is screaming bloody murder as the claws sink into his flesh and carries him up into the sky, his sword clattering to the ground where he once stood. Odahviing gives off a mighty roar as he turns around to have another go at the Fort, dropping the man as he does so.

Ayla turns back to help Xaliyah with the oncoming enemies, intent on being the ones to kill them. All for the glory never for the people, "so, what's this about a wedding I missed?" Ayla asks as she blocks an attack and sends the Imperial and several of his comrades flying with a Shout.

Xaliyah lets a nervous chuckle leave her as she kicks a soldier in the chest, sending him to the ground, "it was a small ceremony," she explains after she takes a second to catch her breath, "besides, you were out doing who knows what with Stormcloak so I couldn't exactly invite you,"

Ayla raises an eyebrow at the thief's knowing look and shakes her head, "congratulations on the wedding by the way," she adds before she kills the last soldier in their area. A jet of fire strikes the ground several feet in front of them and goes forward, igniting a large group of Imperial reinforcements, "and for the record, we were gathering food for the base," she adds as she walks down the stone staircase, dodging and kicking an attacking man over the railing as she goes.

"Of course you say that," Xaliyah responds as she follows her friend, "but that doesn't stop the rumors," she adds and raises a brow at Ayla's glare. The Dragonborn gives an irritated sigh as she turns around and Shouts the approaching Imperials down the stairs.

"And what are these rumors?"

Xaliyah shrugs as she throws a knife into the neck of an enemy, "you know, the usual," she explains with a small smirk, knowing that Ayla isn't going to like her response, "that, in order to achieve this alliance, you agreed to wed Stormcloak when the war is over," she glances at the raven-haired female to her right.

Ayla pulls the blade out of the chest of an unfortunate Imperial, perhaps a little too harshly, but after hearing what kind of rumors have been circling the base, she has every right to be irritated, "I have been offered several marriage proposals in exchange for soldiers, never once did I accept," she explains with a bitter edge to her tone as she cuts down enemy after enemy while Odahviing lights the Imperial-filled walls to her right, "why would one with Stormcloak make me say yes?"

"Because he has a larger army than those of the lesser nobles," Xaliyah points out hesitantly. She may not be skilled in terms of politics, but she listens to Asteria during their meetings enough to know how the system works, "because, should he win and become High King, you will then become High Queen," she pauses and sends the Dragonborn a look when she goes to argue, "there are many reasons as to why these rumors are flying around,"

Ayla scoffs as she barely dodges an arrow. She throws her swords into the chests of charging Imperials before grabbing her bow and the arrow that almost killed her, pivoting and aiming at the balcony where the archer is at. She releases a breath before releasing the arrow and it lands in the man's neck.

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