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Ayla looks up at the trap they used on Odahviing long ago when Alduin still flew in the skies. It creaks as a gust of wind blows through the archway leading to the balcony. A roar from a dragon sounds nearby as she takes a deep breath.

"I was told you'd be here," a voice interrupts her peace and she doesn't need to look to know it is Ulfric. She remains silent as he nears her, glancing at a few of her soldiers, who have taken it upon themselves to guard the palace against any stealthy attempts to retake the city by the Empire.

"And I was told you would join us on the battlefield," she replies with no emotion in her tone as she turns to look up at him, "imagine how shocked I was when I was told the esteemed leader of the Stormcloak rebellion preferred to sit in a protected fortress than join his soldiers on the field,"

Ulfric rolls his eyes at the sarcasm in her voice, "I wanted to be there to fight," he begins but stops talking when she looks at him. Annoyance is clear in her blue eyes, doubt in her raised brow, and shock at his words from her partially open mouth.

She looks away and takes a deep breath before walking over to the doors leading back into Dragonreach, "words won't suffice, Stormcloak," she explains as she opens the doors and walks into the building, "the men and women who have joined your rebellion are willing to risk their lives for your cause. And as their leader, you need to show your dedication to the cause as well,"

Ulfric looks over at her as they walk through the main hall of Dragonsreach. People hurry around the area, cleaning up the mess and the blood left by the battle in the hall, "and I'm sure you have such grand ideas," he replies as they approach the door.

Two of Ayla's soldiers bow their heads to the pair as they open the doors. Ayla turns to look up at the blonde who is a head or so taller than her, "Actually, I do," she answers with a smile as she steps out onto the bridge. He follows her, fur cloak trailing behind him. He is not used to the heat Whiterun provides but he refuses to remove his cloak in front of the Dragonborn, afraid of showing weakness in front of her.

"Pray tell," he says as they begin descending the stairs leading into the city, "I would love your input, Dragonborn," he adds and sees her usual closed-mouth smile on her features. Was she mocking him?

"If you truly can't see what you must do to inspire your soldiers more than perhaps there is no hope for you, Ulfric Stormcloak," she states as they walk around to the Elderglow tree. Hammers are pounding on wood and saws cutting wood as Ayla's architects rebuild what parts of Whiterun was destroyed, "look around you, look at the families torn by inner conflict or rivalries. Look at the mourning relatives of the ones killed a week ago. Look at the orphaned children of parents who so willingly took arms for a cause that inspired them.

These are your people now, Ulfric," she continues and he looks at his surroundings. He sees Whiterun's citizens comforting each other, even those that don't share blood with each other. Children cry in their relative's arms, "if you so desperately want to be king, then show them that you mean to rule them justly. When you may be wanting to punish a criminal with death and execution, do it with mercy and kindness. People aren't loyal to a ruthless king,"

She begins walking towards the marketplace at a calm gait, her raven hair flowing behind her as she walks. Ulfric looks back at the citizens for a few more seconds before hurrying to catch up with the Dragonborn, "look at how everyone looks at us, the two most powerful people in this city," she continues when he has returned to her side. She stands on top of the stares, looking down at the marketplace.

"We are," he says, not understanding where she is going with this. Obviously, they are the most powerful; she is the legendary Dragonborn and he is Ulfric Stormcloak and they both have an army at their command.

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