Rose restaurant.

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The shower felt nice and I felt freshly clean. The note replayed in my mind as a chose a simple red knee length dress. It had lace on the front giving it a beautiful design. I matched it with red heels that made me two inches taller and I felt amazing. Like I was on top of the world.

Excitement rushed through me and I couldn't help but smile in delight. I was finally happy. This mysterious note person had really made my day.

Making my way to the restaurant, I had to take my heels off to walk on the sand. The rose restaurant was one of the most expensive restaurants on the beach. It was actually an underwater restaurant. It was like the aquariums from the zoos but so much bigger and beautifully lit in the ocean. Walking down the path to enter the restaurant I slid my shoes back on and walked to the main doors leading to the tunnel to walk to the restaurant. The water was so fascinating to me that I couldn't help but keep my eyes glued to it as I answered the lady at the door of the tunnel.


"Umm Abbie..." I answered

"Who are you going to meet?"

"Honestly? I don't know. You see I received an anonymous note on my hotel rooms door. I came to see if it was actually meant for me."

"Oh, you're the Abbie!" She smiled and let me enter without any more questions asked which was weird because usually, they asked over thirty questions to make sure you were who you claimed to be.

"Oh and Abbie!"


"It was meant for you, my dear." She winked and smiled a larger smile at me.

taking a deep breath I walked through the tunnel and when I saw what was in front of me, I lost every thought that was floating through my mind instantly. Standing in the middle of the restaurant was Mrs. Demi Lovato holding roses in one hand and the other held my favorite chocolates. There was a large sign that read "I'm sorry for all the lies. I miss talking to you my boo."

Why would she go through so much trouble for me? She could have anyone in the world yet here she is in front of me. Waiting for me to say something. I could feel the tears forming and I quickly wiped them away feeling bare with no way to protect myself from what was to come. 

She cleared her throat and started to speak. The words she spoke only broke me even more to be honest. To be so conflicted with emotions was a horrible feeling to feel. All I wanted to do was make a decision and stick with it but life has a funny way of forcing you to take a leap of faith and point you in the right direction you needed to take all along. Even if the pain seems to not be worth it, it is in the end. 

" My dear Abbie, I apologize for ruining the trust you had in me, I was afraid of you just wanting something from me like everyone else. When I first messaged you I was terrified you'd figure out who you were actually speaking to and use it as blackmail material. When I realized you had no clue I gave you my real name in hopes of having a real friend for once. I never expected to find myself falling in love with the girl I accidentally messaged on a bad day. But thank god for the coincidence because I now can't see a life without you and honestly I don't want too. I love you."

I hope you guys liked it! I came to a realization, you guys are all silent readers so I want to say a huge thank you anyways for supporting my book even if I don't know who you are.  I appreciate the time you take out of your day to read my book. Love, Emily 

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