Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Those who are bullied <3

A/N: Prepare to cry and let your feels die multiple times. This is extremely cliche, but I wanted to try it myself. You have been warned! Hope you like it. BTW, I have already written about 17 chapters, so if you want me to update, I will! Love ya! Enjoy! :)

I let my dirty blonde hair stay in front of my face. I look up at the sign.


I sighed knowing what's going to happen when I walk through that door. There is a group of boy gamers that call themselves team crafted. They bully me on a daily basis. I opened the door and looked down at my tennis shoes, hoping that they would leave me alone. As soon as I heard the principal's voice, I put my hood down. He tends to remind me every morning that hoodies must be down during school.

I open my locker and stare at all the textbooks. I grabbed the ones I needed and slammed it shut. I started walking to first period when I heard them snickering. Oh no. I gripped my books even tighter and ran walked past them. Too late. I think they wait for me every morning. Adam grabbed me by the shoulder and I turned around.

"Hey Zero. Still going to school? Your so stupid, you should stop coming."

The others found that funny somehow and laughed. I turned my feet the other way and started walking through the door. Even though they don't have this class, they came in too. "Zero, don't bother. You're too dumb." I sat down and put my hands over my ears. Not before Ian pushed me to the ground. I ignored them and put my backpack down. I grabbed my pencil and prayed the teacher would come in the classroom. The boys pulled chairs next to me and continued to taunt.

"Zero you're taking up space in this class. Let a kid they can actually teach be in here." Jason said. I stared at the smart board. Mitch decided to slug me in the arm to get my attention. That really hurt my cuts, but I just rubbed my arm like it was nothing.

"Aw, did that hurt? How about this?" He did it again, only harder. Great. Another bruise to worry about. I tried so hard to ignore them. When they left, I was going 'to the bathroom' and cut again.

"Answer me!" Ian growled in my face. "How stupid do you realize you are?"

I had zoned out. "As stupid as you are.'' I daringly muttered Ian glared at me. "Don't kid with me Zero. If you were as stupid as me, you would have graduated by now!" The guys laughed and high five like it was a good comeback. "Can you please go guys?" Quienton ruffled my hair. I slapped his hand and smoothed it back. Adam stopped me.

"Stop! It looked better the other way!" They laughed again. I put it back the way it was just to please them. "Better!" They said. Ty grabbed my backpack. I saw something on his arm. His sleeve rolled up a bit. I knew what it was.


I don't understand why, but I decided not to question it. The less I knew about them, the better. I realized they had my bag and tried to grab it back. Adam, who is super tall and older than all of us, put it just out of my reach. I didn't even bother to try. As long as they don't look inside.

"What's inside here anyway?" Jerome grabbed my bag and undid the zipper. I can't let them see my blade. I grabbed it out of his hands and ran out. I heard sneakers squeaking behind me. I ran to the one place they wouldn't dare go into. At least, I think. I opened the door to the girls bathroom. A bunch of popular girls were puting on makeup and gossiping in fron of the mirror. They stared at me and I went to the stall. I locked it, put the toilet seat down, and silently cried.

I hear them shouting outside, and one of them walking in. The girls at the sinks screamed and he ran out. I couldn't tell who it was. The girls then left and I could faint voices arguing with the boys. I smiled. They deserve that. I waited for the first bell to ring. Everyone left except me. I pull out my blade and cut a T and C into my arm.

T for being stupid.

C for not standing up to them

I pulled my sleeves back up and went to class. The teacher never questioned why I was late. She never does. Weird. Class was boring as usual. I tried to listen, but it was hard. I hate math.


The 3:00 bell finally rang and I almost ran out of there. Maybe I can get home before they notice where I went. Oh no. I heard them coming and I ran out.

"Come back Zero! You need your daily beating!" That's right. Every day the manage to beat me up. Yay me. I didn't bother to run any further. I turned around and faced them. "Aw! She's giving up already!" That didn't sting, because I had. I needed to get this over with so I can get home.

I closed my eyes. I felt a kick in the stomach. Two more and I fell on the ground. I held my stomach. I want to throw up, but that would only please them. I feel more kicks on my back. "Come on guys let's go." I heard Mitch say. They walked away and left me on the ground. I sit there clutching my stomach for a while. Feet walked by me. No one cares. I could be dead for all they know. Slowly, I stood up. I took the short way home.

Bullied By Team CraftedWhere stories live. Discover now