Chapter Six

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"You know what else? She cuts herself! TC was written all over her arms! What the heck! Like seriously!''

More silence. I heard a thud and someone moaning. It sounded like Mitch. If Preston starts a fight, he will loose. I can't let him get beat up for me. But if I go up, they will kill me for sure.

"You deserve that Mitch. Don't ever talk to me again. All of you. And if any of you try to hurt  Zoey again, I will personally kick your butt!"

"You little asshat! Think you are so tough? Let me show you what tough is!'' I heard Adam scream. I had to stop them. I ran up there, just to see Preston fall down the stairs. I screamed. There was blood dripping his nose and face. That's it. They need to stop. I ran and grabbed the phone.

"I need an ambulance. And cops. Some boys beat up my friend. Please come quickly." I whispered into the phone. I ran back. They were beating him up while he was knocked out. I knew that feeling, and it was the worst. I tried to tell them to stop, but they ignored me. Except for Ty. He stared at my arms. I felt so insecure without my hoodie. He stopped beating on Preston and walked toward me. I backed up. I don't need to get hurt now. It's too much.

He kept walking toward me until I was against the wall. Just great. I can't wait for the cops to get here. He grabbed my arms. No, no, no. I want to die. He ran his finger over my band aids. My arms have faint T's and C's all over. He looked me in the eyes. I was so scared right then. So much is going on. I heard Preston screaming. Ty wouldn't let me move.

He rolled up his sleeves. Oh my god. There are T's and C's too. I didn't know what was going on anymore. It was chaos. Pure chaos. My mind flipped. Several times actually.

"They..they made me Zoey. I'm sorry. Really. They bullied me too. Please forgive me." That was the first time he addressed me as Zoey, not Zero. I heard Preston yell again. I stared at them. What monsters they are.

"We need to help him." Ty nodded. He put his sleeves back down and ran over to Adam. He grabbed him around the waist and moved him away. He was pretty strong for being so skinny. I saw the phone. I realized something. I never pressed talk. 


Ian stepped on the phone. That was the only one in the house. This can't get any worse. Ty grabbed Preston out of the circle of death. They stopped punching and stared at him.

"Ty, what are you doing?" Ty leaned Preston against the wall. I went up to him and cried. There were bruises all over.

"You guys need to wake up. Look. Look at what you did. Preston could die." They were super quiet. I hope they don't beat on him too.

"Ty, he punched Mitch. He can't get away with that." Jason said in a calm voice.

"Well, that doesn't mean you can kill him. What about Zoey? What did she ever do to you?" They were quiet. Was this finally the moment I would learn why they hate me?

"She...well.." Jerome muttered. What. They didn't have a reason! So all this time, they did all of that for no reason. I was ready to beat their faces in, when I realized I couldn't.

"That's right. Look. Adam. You and I. We made our YouTube to make depressed people feel happy for once in thier life. Look what we did to her." Adam looked at me. I stared back with tears streaming down my face.

"So, according to your theory, she should get to beat you up and scream that you are stupid and dumb for two years." They were quiet.

"And guess what Ian? Her name is Zoey! She isn't zero. She isn't worthless. How would you like it if someone called you worthless for two years!"

Ian started to cry. So did Adam. And everyone else. This is the day I thought would never happen. Ever. This. Is. Amazing.

"We all help people try to escape thier problems from life, when here we are doing that to someone. Not to mention she's a girl, and there are seven of us!'' Preston blinked twice. I stood up and got an ice pack from the fridge. Everyone's eyes were on me and Preston. I went to my room to get my Bully Kit. It had bandages that I never used, the kind of ice packs from the nurse where you shake them, and my backup blade. I brought it back down.

Everyone was still watching me. I took off his jacket. There were bruises everywhere. His skin was bright red. Ty sat down next to him and pulled out the blade. He studied it for a moment.

"How does this one do?" I weakly smiled. "I liked the other one better, but that one is still pretty sharp." He did something ridiculous. He pulled up his sleeves and wrote TC all over his arm. Team Crafted gasped. I smiled. They made us feel this way. It is all thier fault. They deserve to see that.

Preston tried to talk. I told him to be quiet. I put more ice on his arms. Ty took off his shirt. There were purple spots every where. I knew where all of them were; they like to hurt you in the same places.

It was starting to get annoying. Ty, Preston, and I were crying and bleeding and feeling like crap and they just sat there feeling sorry for themselves. I got angry. 

"Now, get your sorry selves out of here now! Go! Come back when you know what it feels like!'' Everyone but Adam ran out. He was nearly paralized. It freaked me out.

"Adam. Leave." I said in his face. He didn't move. Tears just went down his face. I pushed him until he was out the door. I locked it and stared out the window. They were gone. I looked at Ty. He picked up Preston and put him on my couch.

"Zoey, I'm sorry." He said weakly. He was in pain. I felt his forehead. It was freezing. I took the ice packs away. It should have numbed the pain by now anyway.

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