Chapter Ten

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I ran to the bridge. My hoodie and other blade was still there. This is good. I can finally die. This is my second suicide attempt in the past 24 hours. I thought about Preston. Maybe I'll meet him again one day...

I was true to my word. I cut my legs, arms, and then a smiley face on both of my cheeks. It hurt to breathe after I did that,but oh well. I thought I heard them, but I knew my mind was playing tricks on me. I climbed over the railing once more. The water crashed against the rocks down below. Two moves of my feet and it will be all over. All over.

I take a look around. This is pretty peaceful place. The birds chirping, flowers budding, and a soon to be dead teenager floating in the water. The last part sounded best of all. I looked down again. Here I go.

As was getting ready to jump when I did hear voices. It was Team Crafted, minus Adam. Ty was there too. I'm not sure the would actaully try to stop me or not. Ty ran ahead of them and stepped over the railing.

"Care if I join you?" He asked with a demented smile. I smiled back. "Sure." I took his hand. Double suicide. Ok. Ian and Jason came over to us.

"Quit joking around Ty. That's dangerous." Ian yelled. Ty looked at him funny. "I'm not joking. On three Zoey?" I nodded. I hope that they finally understand what they did to me.

"No! Stop it please! Don't Ty! I fan!" Jerome grabbed Ty and tried to bring him back over. Once you're in this thinking process, there is no going back.

"Three?" I asked. Mitch started to cry. Ian and Jason tried to get us back over. Neither of us budged. Quentin was freaking out. That made me smile even more.

"Two?" Ty yelled. I gripped his hand tighter. This was finally it. I might see my dad again. No I won't. He for sure went to heaven.

"One!" I screamed. I stopped Ty for a second. I turned around and smirked at them.

"See ya in h*ll." And with that, I let my feet let go of the ground.

It felt amazing. Rushing through the air, hearing the others scream. Ty was laughing like a maniac. I smiled. This was it. I felt the cold water on my face. Then a bunch of blood. Something hit my face. I couldn't see anymore. My brain was going nuts. This was it. The last thing I thought I would ever see is the rocks and water.

This is it.

The End of Me.

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