Chapter Nine

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I looked through the peephole. I never thought that I would ever let Team Crafted in my house. But I did just then. Ty sat on the couch, messing with the blade. This is bad, really bad.

Adam was strong, but not strong enough to stop five people. They are all going to target me anyway. They can't do that though. Ty's going to kill himself if I don't pay attention.

They all stood there, staring at me, the floor, and at Adam. Talk about awkward. Ty dropped the blade, causing a pling on the table. It was really quiet. I sighed. They obivously had better things to do. I went up do my room. I would have slammed the door, but it was still lying on the ground. I almost tripped over my dresser, which has lying on it's back. I put my head on my pillow and tried to sleep.

Soon there were footsteps coming from the stairs. I don't even care if they beat me up. I'm going to write a letter to my mom and just go back to the bridge.

I didn't dare open my eyes. I just pretended to be asleep. Waiting for a punch in the face. Hands to drag me off the bed and beat me up. The sounds of skin meeting skin. I felt the presence of people standing over me. I wanted to be dead. And as soon as they leave, I will be.

"Do you think she is asleep?" Jason whispered. I froze. "I don't know. Do you want to find out?" Jerome replied. My brain tried to think of what you do when you're asleep. I twitched my foot and breathed loudly.

"How do you fall asleep that fast? I wanna learn how!" Ian said. It's simple Ian. Run out of craps to give about anything and everything.

"Do we actually have to do this?" Mitch asked. "I don't know. Im pretty sure Adam left. Let's book it before someone notices." Jason replied. "No. Guys. I can't. I kinda feel..guilty." Jerome said. As if...

"What is there to feel guilty about? We did nothing wrong!" Mitch yelled. I couldn't help myself.

"I beg to differ." I said through my teeth. I sat up and looked him in the eyes.

"Everyone, have a seat. I got a story to tell you." Surprisingly enough, Jerome and Ian sat down. Probably just to be obnoxious. I took a deep breathe and calmed down.

"OK. Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved her life. She had a great family, and awesome friends. One day, her dad was coming home for work and got in a car accident. He died instantly." I stopped for a second. I took a deep breathe again. I cannot have a panic attack now. "The girl became very sad after that. Then, in seventh grade, her best friend moved away. Her other best friend to go to special school because needed help. The girl was alone." Don't cry. Please don't cry. I whispered in my head.

"On her first year of high school, there was a group of boys who liked to pick on her. A lot. They called her mean names, told her to die,and physically abused her. It was making her upset. One night, she decided to cut with a kitchen knife. It felt amazing. She continued to do it throughout her life. The boys still bullied her. One time, they even broke into her house and broke down her door." Mitch rolled his eyes and looked at the broken dresser.

"The girl so done with life, she decided to kill herself. She ran to the nearest bridge and nearly jumped. A boy saved her. Later, the group of boys beat that boy up. One of them hated bullying people and decided to stop. That boy cut himself three times in the past twenty four hours."

"One of the boys came back and apologized. The others refused to come. When they did arrive, they did not simply care. The girl was done with their crap. In the present day, she still awaits for them to leave so she CAN jump off the bridge."

"In the future, a girl is found dead under the bridge. They cannot identify the body because of all the cuts on her face, arms and legs. They bury the body. Meanwhile, the girl's mother is in New York. When she finally gets home after two months, her daughter cannot be found. The boys continued to hurt and abuse people. THE END!" I screamed in their faces. It took all I could not to go crazy, but it seems that I already have. I ran over the door and downstairs. I grabbed the blade Ty was currently using and ran out the door.

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