Chapter Eleven

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I woke up to a beeping sound. No. No. I'm supposed to be dead. No! No! I screamed in my head. I tried to open my eyes. It took a minute, but I finally did.

The hospital. I'm in the hospital. Nice. I am supposed to be dead right now. Thanks a lot...wait, how did I get in the hospital? No one was around to ask. I tried to open my mouth. It felt really dry. I started getting some feeling in my face. Then my neck, and I wish I didn't.

There was a cut on my throat. Machines and wires were hooked up to it, but it hurt inside. Every breathe I took it hurt like crap. Speaking of breathing, I was hooked up to a breathing machine. The mask over my face was uncomfortable too.

I couldn't move my head. It was in so much pain. The only other time I've felt the way was when Adam kicked me so hard in the arms, my cuts reopened, and did it repeatedly. That's the only thing that has ever hurt this bad.

No feeling was in the rest of my body. This felt so weird. I began to panic a little. I don't know why. I was breathing really quickly, even with the machine. It soon became really hard to breathe. A beeping sound went off. Doctors and a nurse rushed in. My eyes got heavier, then everything went black.

When I woke up, there was a nurse standing next to me. Everything was as it was last time. The pain in my throat, throbbing headache, and pain everywhere in general. The nurse looked up from her clipboard the smiled the cheesiest smile I've ever seen.

"Hello sweetie! You had a panic attack last time you were awake. The doctors took care of it. Is there anything you need?" Her cheery voice made me want to throw up. And yes, I needed a lot of things. Like answers, a phone call to my mom, and a gun to shoot myself. I was in too much pain to do anything, so I just stared at the ceiling.

"I need to run a blood sample. This won't hurt at all." She said. She was wrong. She stupidly put a needle into one of my cuts on my arms. I felt blood trickling off my arm. That was enough to get feelings into my arm. I winced and wanted to scream.

"Oops! I'm so sorry! I'm new here. So sorry!" She ran away with a sample of my blood. This is just great. Well, at least Team Crafted wasn't here.

Team Crafted. Did they get me here? Or did a stranger find me? What about Ty? I hope he's dead. He was in so much pain. Pain that I'm still suffering through. Maybe the stupid nurse will accidentally press something and I'll be dead. I hope so.

A bunch of doctors came in. They wrote stuff on clipboards, and random stuff that I don't understand, and talked to themselves. I rolled my eyes. Can you take your stupid pens and stab me with them?

One came next to me. Great. "Miss, it appears you have done harmful things to yourself. You will need therapy....." I blocked out his words. I don't care. Please, just. Let. Me. Die. I am wasting space in your precious hospital. Kill me so someone can be saved in this room. Please. No one but myself can hear my pleads. The doctor stopped talking and they all left the room.

Maybe they expect me to die, but they don't want to tell me. Maybe they think I actually care about living. I just want to be dead, I'm not asking for much. The nurse returned.

"Um, sweetie? There are a couple of cute boys who want to see you. I told them in a few minutes, so that ok?" She waited as if I could respond. I tried to shake my head, but nothing happened. She smiled.

"When the doctors are done, I will send them in." Oh wait. There was still two doctors on my left. Creepy. I didn't even notice them. They kept looking at me and their clipboards. I think they were actually writing screenplays and needed to see what a dying person looked like for their play. Oh well. I might as well be of some use..

They soon left and Team Crafted and Preston came in. Ty was not there. Was he dead? Or in another room?

Preston ran up to me and gave me a kiss on my forehead. The only spot that didn't feel like crap. I managed a weak smile through the mask. He returned it. Tears were in his eyes. I felt like crying too.

Meanwhile, Team Crafted just stared at me. I wanted to blast their heads off with my lazor beam eyes, but I did not have access to those at the time. I stared back at them. So did Preston.

" I know you can't talk back, but I just want to say that as soon as you get out of here, I'm taking you home with me and not letting you go." Preston whispered. I wanted to tell him I loved him too, but I want to be dead. It's for the best.

The other boys just stood there. Preston was beginning to notice too. He turned around and looked at them.

"Look! You either care or you don't. Choose right now. Get out of the room or care." Adam stepped forward and looked at me.

"I don't know about the others, but I feel guilty as sh*t. I'm so sorry. This is my fault. I should have never hurt you in the beginning. I should have-" He trailed off. Jerome stood next to him and gave Adam what they call a "bro hug." I think I am dead or I have hearing problems. There is no way they just said that. Yep, I'm dead.

"No. Its my fault. I should have never hit or kicked you ever. I can only imagine how many times we could have killed you. I'm sorry too." I couldn't decide if I was in a comma and dreaming, or maybe I'm in my own personal heck.

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