Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up from another dreamless sleep. It makes you feel like you didn't sleep at all. Better than having nightmares I guess.

After a few minutes Mom and Preston came in. It was terrible to see them. They made me feel guilty that I tried to kill myself. I still want to though.

"Honey, in two days I have to go back to New York. I'm sorry." Mom shook her head. Darn. I hate being alone in the house. I miss her so much. I can't even hug her or anything.

"I'll come see you everyday!" Preston promised. I gave him a smile. I realized something. I fell asleep without the breathing thingy. That must be a good sign.

"I got a robot to say things for me." I typed into the talking device. Preston and Mom thought it was the coolest thing ever.

"That's awesome! Now we can have actual conversations now!" I agreed. It was annoying not being able to respond to anyone for that long.

"I can leave tomorrow too." I replied. Mom squeezed my hand. "Now I can spend more time with you before I go!" This is great. I felt very happy for once in my life.

The nurse came in. I can't wait to leave her. She is the worst nurse in the history of ever. Most of the time I excepted her to accidentally kill me by unplugging something. She is pretty stupid.

"The doctor wants you to start walking. It'll help stretch you muscles." Sadly, that was the most intelligent thing I ever heard her say.


My legs hurt like crap. Screw walking. I'm going to beg Preston to carry me to my bed and I'll just live there. That is exactly what I'm going to do actaully. I made a mental note to ask for that. The stupid nurse brought me lunch as I sat back down into the bed.

"Here is your last hospital meal!" I quickly ate it and tried to fall asleep. Somehow, I did.

"Zoey, time to get up!'' You're checking out today!" I would have moaned, but I couldn't. I waved my arm at the sound of the voice and tried to go back to sleep. Someone tugged at my arm.

"Zoey! Come on! Your mom's made breakfast at your place!" Preston's voice whispered into my ear. I grinned and sat up. I wobbily walked down the stairs and to the car. Preston had already done all the boring paperwork stuff, with the help of Mom.

"Hi sweetie! Bet your excited to go home!" I nodded excitedly. I thought school was bad, hospital is almost worse.

"I made pancakes. They might be a little cold, bit that's how they usually are. She's right, they are always cold. A few minutes later, she pulled into the driveway. I tried to step out of the car, but I fell twice while doing so.

"I got ya!" Preston picked me up bridal style (A/N Classic fanfics move) and carried me to the house. I grinned the whole time. He sat me down on the couch and Mom followed us. She grabbed a plate of pancakes and handed them to me with syrup and blueberries. My favorite breakfast.

"These are good Joann!" They were on a first name basis? They must have become close.

"Thank you dear!" Mom called as she washed the dishes. I wanted to capture this moment, and live in it forever. The people I love, being together and happy. I closed my eyes and tried to make sure I would remember this time for the rest of my life. Because let me tell you, my life got worse.

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