Chapter Seven

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"Zoey, I'm sorry. I have hurt you in so many ways. I'm sorry." Ty gave me a hug. I regret everything I thought about him. He was nothing I thought he was.

"It's ok. I forgive you." I managed to say. Preston seemed a little better. I sat on the ground next to him. My head hurt from what just happened. My eye lids felt heavy. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

When I woke up, Ty had fallen asleep. Preston was sitting up and groaning. I stood up.

"Preston. You shouldn't have done that. They would've killed you if Ty hadn't stepped in." He grinned. Oh he is so cute! Why did I ever think he would believe Mitch?

"Zoey, I-I really like you. I believed Mitch for a while, but then I realized he was wrong." I blushed. I felt so happy. He cared about me. So did Ty. Preston did something I didn't see coming. He got really closed to my face and-kissed me.

It was so warm. Something in my heart went off. I had forgotten this feeling. Happiness. That's what it was. I haven't felt this way since middle school.

"Um, hi." Ty said nervously. I blushed even more. Preston scooted back a little.

"Did he hurt you too?"

"Listen. They forced him to hurt me. He cuts too." Preston gasped.

"I can't believe they can get into your mind like that. My sister killed herself from her bullies. I'm not going to let that happen to either of you." Ty shook his head. "So, where was that bridge you were going to jump off? I think I might go there." I smiled. I knew that feeling. Where nothing matters anymore.....

"Not telling Ty. Maybe...maybe they'll change." Ty sighed. "I doubt it. They've always been like that." I couldn't help but grin.

"What?" Preston said as he laughed. We were so tired and hurt, it wasn't even funny. That made me grin even more. I started laughing. Then I couldn't stop. I was loosing it. Someone actaully knew how I felt. It was amazing.

Ty was smiling too. Soon we were all laughing for no reason really. After like fifteen minutes, Preston said he was hungry.

"I'm not. I haven't eaten in," Ty said. He whispered as he counted. "Six days." "Don't say you starve yourself!" I yelled. Ty nodded.

"Jason told me I was a fat freak. So I stopped eating." Preston frowned.

"You know all that does is when you do eat, it all turns into fat." Ty smirked. "That's why I'm not eating ever again. I can die for all I care." I felt torn. I wanted Ty to not die, but I know that feeling. Where it would make you happy if you would just die. Be gone from this evil called life.

"I don't know. I think you should eat something. Preston's right. We can't let thier words got in our heads. I think your really skinny, in a good way.' He smiled.

"Whatever. I'll eat one thing I guess." Thank God. I can't loose my one freind.

"Ok. There should be something in the fridge." He stood up. He grabbed three containers of yogurt. Must have missed that when I went to Robinson's. I told him where the spoons were. He grabbed three and each handed us one. We ate on the floor and couch. Preston groaned as he sat up.

"I'm fine. Honest." He said. He was lying. I know what it feels like when you get beat up for the first time. It sucks.

"I don't believe you, but whatever you say.'' He smiled. After we ate we stared at each other.

"I need to know, what the heck happened last night?" Preston asked. That's right. He passed out the whole time. I decided to tell him, but from the begining.


Ty nodded. Preston sat there, soaking it all in. "My life just got really messed up." Ty shrugged. "Join the club." I gave him a high five. Preston stood up and went to the door.

"My mom is gonna think I was kidnapped or something. I got to go. Don't tell anyone else what happened tonight, ok?" Ty and I nodded. Preston left. It was quiet.

"Ty, if you are ok with it, can you tell me how Team Crafted started picking on you? You know my story, want to know yours." He sighed and stared into space.

"Ok. Let's see. I met Adam while playing video games. Suprisingly, we learned that we went to the same middle school. We became freinds. He was already freinds with Mitch, Jerome, and Jason. We all became best freinds. Then Ian moved into the town in 8th grade. He joined us too. It wasn't until the very end of the year that we met Quentin. He was reallly mean. He said that people need to know what real pain is. His parents abused him. He was always really angry. I guess it rubbed into us. They started picking on each other. They picked on me the most, since I had an 'emo' haircut. We became really mean people. I guess when we got to highschool, they saw you and couldn't resist. The funny thing was, we acted like the old us when we recorded. It's wierd." I nodded. Wow. So it I now know the real enemy. Quentin.

So, once upon a time, they were all nice? Except for Quentin." Ty nodded. "And I feel awful for him changing us. So I started to cut. It made me feel better. When I saw how innocent you were, I told them to stop messing with you. They said that they either do it to you or to me twice as hard. So I shut up. I never tried to hurt you as badly. Swear."

I believe him. My mind felt like it was doing flips again. Everything that happened in the last twenty four hours flashed back through my mind. Being on the roof. Showing them my blade. Nearly jumping and dying. Preston caring for me. Preston standing up for me. Him passing out. Seeing the real side of Ty and everyone else. I know the truth now. everything makes since.

"Well, everything makes since now." I said. He nodded. I heard a knock on the door.

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