Chapter Four

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I heard a car pulling up. I wiped the tears from my eyes and ran downstairs. I grabbed my notebook and Ian had the history book. She knocked on the door. I stood up and answered it.

"Hello. Ian and I were just finishing." I said with the fakest smile ever. "Great! I hope this helps with your test next week. Ian! We have to leave!'' Ian walked past me and "accidentally" hit me with his shoulder. Mrs. Stapleton waved and they left. Thank God.

I went back to the table. He left the picture lying there and the frame was in two pieces. He must have thrown away the glass. I took the picture and looked at my dad for a while. My heart aches so bad. I wish Mom would come home. As on cue, the phone rang. I jumped up and answered.

"Hello?" I asked. I heard a familar voice. "Hi sweetie!'' It was Mom! "Oh my gosh Mom I miss you so much!'' "I know honey but I have some bad news." I felt my heart drop to my stomach.

"My client has to be on a vacation with his family. I'm not going to be able to come home until late June." I held back tears. "Oh." Was all I was able to say. She told me she loved me and couldn't wait to see me. I told her the same and hung up. My life keeps getting more and more depressing. At least I have the whole weekend to myself.

I grabbed my backpack and got out my blade. I cut just a few times, just to please the voice in my head. I put my arms in cold water and fell asleep on the couch.

I woke up to constant banging. I sat up. Was someone trying to break in? I kept my blade in my hand and went to the window next to the door. Oh fudge no. All of Team Crafted was there. I put my hand to my mouth and screamed. I ran to my bedroom and locked the door. I opened my window and crawled out to the roof. I could hear them talking.

"She's got to be home. She has no where else to be." Jason said. Ty sighed in frustation. "Just open the stupid door. Why would she answer it anyway?" I heard the door open through the window. I quickly closed it. I moved out of sight from all the upstairs windows. I tiptoed to the back side of the house. While I was on the roof of course. I could hear faint vocies, but couldn't make out what they were saying.

I still had the blade in my hands. I looked at the rising sun. Orange and yellow with a hint of pink. It would look great with red. I cut and held my arm next to it. I was right.

It was almost noon and I could still hear them. This was bad. What if they didn't leave? I sighed and put my face in my hands. It reminded me of what happened last year.


They were chasing me. I put my hand on my bleeding and brusing back and hid in the janitor's closet. I got behind the cleaning supplies. I put my knees to my chest and closed my eyes.

"Gee, I wonder where Zero went." Jerome said sacastically. They door opened. I wished I was invisible, but that didn't happen. I almost got away it. Until my toe tipped over air fresherner cans. Adam grabbed me and pulled me out of between the boxes. They took me behind the shcool fence and beat me up.


That was probably the worst beat down I got from them. I still have that scars on my back from that. I sighed. I can't wait for the day Team Crafted's rein of terror ended. That will probably never happen. They'll work at the same place, move next door, and go to the same retirement home. I'm kidding myself. I'll probably kill myself before any of that happens.

I decided to crawl back to the window. My door was locked anyway. And there was no way I was going to jump off a two story building and break my legs. As slowly as I possibly could removed the glass. I put my left leg in, then my right. I ducked and slid in. Now what?

I put my ear against the door. It sounded like they were in the kitchen/living room. Which made sense because those are the only rooms downstairs. I sat on my bed and tried to figure out what to do.

I figured that if they hadn't heard me yet, it was unlikely they would hear me at all. I got on my laptop and watched Pewdiepie.

"Don't be a salad, when you can be the best godd*mn brocili you could ever be!'' I laughed a little too loud I guess. I heard loud footsteps and running. I closed my laptop. I need to think, fast. I moved my dresser over a few inches. That should stop them from coming in. I took off my headphones and put under my bed with my laptop. I leaned against the back wall and prayed that they wouldn't get in. They banged on the door.

"Zero! We know you're in there! Open the door!'" They yelled. I would rather die a slow, painful death then let them in my room.

"Guys step back." Quentin said. It was quiet for a second. Then there was a loud thump near the door knob. Was he trying to kick it down? Not good.

I looked around. I was trapped. I had no where to go. I didn't know what to do. I started panicking.  What I said in the alley. They were going to kill me. The things I guessed at were getting to my head. Calm down Zoey. I was breathing rapidly. I felt light headed. I was having another panick attack. I lied on the bed and tried to calm down. I heard them whispering. Then I passed out.

When I woke up, I saw seven heads looking over me. Fudge. I blinked again. Yep, it was them. I looked around. They broke my door. Nice. The dresser was flipped over. This is bad, really bad. When I saw Adam grin in that way, I knew I was a goner.

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