Chapter Twelve

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This just keeps getting more and more awkward. I don't get why they saved me. I want to be dead. I need to be dead. I'm just a waste of space, a waste of air.

It hurts to breathe. It hurts to blink. It hurts to live. Please, please kill me. Unplug this stuff and leave me to die. I don't need to live. The is no purpose of me living. I shouldn't be alive. I shouldn't be....

There were high heels clicking down the hall. I hope it's not the nurse again. Gosh, she's annoying. Instead, the person I did not want to see most of all came in.

"Zoey!?" My mom cried. Oh no. The boys stepped out of the way. I started to cry. No. She's not supposed to be here. I' supposed to be dead. She must understand she can't interfere with this. No.

"Oh my God what happened Zoey!" She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. More than I would have liked. My bones are broken now.

"She....She jumped off a bridge." Someone said. I couldn't tell who. Now I've upset Mom. She looked at me with tears in my eyes. Why can't I just be dead!? All I'm doing is hurting people. I need to just die. They must understand this.

"Baby you should have told me." She said as she sobbed. No, stop crying Mommy. It's ok. I should be dead, so just pretend this never happened. My thoughts were driving me crazy. I need to either die, or be able to speak my own thoughts. This is the most annoying thing ever.

Mom was hysterical now. Preston being the person he is, lead her out. I don't know what happened after that. I hope he doesn't tell her what happened. Wait. She's a lawyer. She can sue the pants off of all of them! Except for Ty. I forgive Ty. This is my death wish, but I don't know how or who to tell.

Team Crafted just stood there. I don't know how many times this weekend this situation has happened. They can just go feel so sorry for themselves somewhere else. I want nothing to do with them. Ever.

The annoying nurse returned. She winked at Ian, which made me want to throw up. She's like in her twenties and we are all in high school! Gross. She took one of those heart things put it to my heart. She took it off and looked at me with a weird face. She did it again.

"I'll be right back." She said to I guess me. She muttered something to herself. Great. I bet I have cancer or something awful. She returned with another stupid doctor. He sat his clipboard down and did the same thing the nurse did. They exchanged looks on their faces.

"Ms...." The doctor looked at the boys. "Zoey." Adam finished. He was biting his knuckles. What is it?

"Ms. Zoey, you have an irregular heartbeat. You need to keep calm and not move quickly. You could have a heart attack." This is great. Now that he mentioned it, the weird beeping noises were beeping acting all random. If it can kill me, this is good. If it just makes everything hurt worse, this is awful.

The doctor pressed a bunch of stuff on the breathing machine. Now it was going a tiny bit faster. I didn't have the energy to breathe, so I'm glad that's doing it for me. But then again, if these machines were never invented, I would be dead. I prefer to be dead, so now I hate them.

The nurse stayed next to me and looked at the boys. She should not be a nurse. Speaking of Team Crafted, all they are doing is standing there! Hands in their pockets, staring at me. I wanted to walk over to them and punch them in the face. Sadly, I cannot do that.

"So, how do you know Ms. Zoey?" The nurse said as she twirled her hair with her fingers. Talk about desperate. I know little to nothing about dating, but that just seems pathetic.

"Well, we are..." Jason trailed off. Go ahead. Say it. I stared into his soul. He turned away trying not to look at me. "Freinds! We've been bestest of friends since elementary school!" Mitch quickly said. Oh. No. You. Didn't. I glared at him too. He nervously laughed. You better be laughing now, because when I get out of here, I'm going to get you. Watch yourself Hughes.

"That's sweet. I'm sure you are great friends." Ok, that's it. Get the knock out stuff. Please knock me out, or kill me. This is torture. Make it stop!

"Yup. Greatest friends..." Ian said. I closed my eyes. Please make it end. Please. I soon was able to drift off to sleep.


I didn't need the breathing thing anymore. Only when I slept. I learned that I won't be able to talk until the cut on my throat heals. I still have major headaches every time I'm awake. Team Crafted comes in everyday and stares. Mom cries and Preston holds my hand. Life has been good. NOT.

The annoying nurse came in holding something black in her hands. I wonder what painful device I'm going to be hooked up to this time.

"Hello Zoey. Since you can't talk, the doctor ordered this special device. You type something in, and a robotic voice says what you wrote." Yes! I can finally get my answers. My hands had become a little better, so she put it in my right hand. My fingers shook as I tried it out. It was about the size of an iPhone. Interesting. I pressed the H and I. There was an enter button. I tapped it.

"Hi." An electronic voice said. The nurse clapped like I was a two year old who stood up for the first time. I hate her with a passion. I was imagining ways to get her out of here forever when the daily knock came to my door. It was Team Crafted. Mom and Preston came together in the evenings.

"I'll go let them in." I would have said no, but I need to ask them some questions. She led them in and smiled at Ian. Oh ya, twice she has given him her number. Disgusting.

"I'll leave you guys alone. See you at lunch!'' She waved and dramatically left the room. They didn't know I had this I think, so I decided to scare them.

"Boo." The thing said. They jumped. I did it again, and Ian figured out what I was doing. He told the others. Then they laughed their heads off. I couldn't help but smile. I've had no entertainment in weeks. This was as good as it was going to get.

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