Chapter Twenty Four

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A/N: People I'm upset. I wrote this chapter like five different times trying to think of a good way to continue the story, but they got deleted somehow. IM SO ANGRY

But you guys don't care. :D Here ya go:

"That's your mom." Preston said as he handed the phone to me.

"Hi mom." I said casually.

"Hey sweetie!" She replied.

"I got some good news. My job got moved to the northern part of the state. I'll be home more often."

I grinned. "Yay! When will that start?" I said, trying not to sound too excited.

"I'm coming home tomorrow." I felt so happy. "So I guess Ill see you then?" I asked.

"Sure thing!" We talked about some other stuff. She had to go, so we said our goodbyes and hung up.

"And?" Preston asked, waiting for me to finish.

"Her job was moved much closer. She can be home WAY more often." I sighed happily.

"That's good. I'm tired of being your maid." I pretended to be hurt.

"But Preston! You have to be a maid!" I whined.

"I'd only do it if I have to." Preston is sweet like that. Memories flood through my head, turning my peppy mood a little darker.

"So when are you going to livestream?" I asked, changing the topic.

"In like half an hour." "Well then you better go!" He smiled.

"I understand. I'm not wanted here." He said dramatically and ran put the door. I stood there for a second, then burst into laughter.


HI PRESTON I spammed into the comments of the livestream. My username was my first and last name, so he should know its me.

"Zoey! Staph please!" He nearly yelled. Rob was confused.

"What?" He asked.

"Zoey from school keeps spamming my comments." I laughed as he stared into the web can, shaking his heading disapprovingly.

I'LL STOP....MAYBE I typed in. He glanced at the comments and continued playing Minecraft.

I watched for a while but got bored. I was kind of new to the "factions" thing and it was confusing. I closed my laptop and stared at the wall, letting today's thoughts sink in.

I have a new friend. I'm not as mad at my bullies anymore. Everyone knows that I cut now. Mom is coming home tomorrow. I think there are more pros then con's, which hasn't happened in a while.

It seemed nice out, so I thought about going out. Maybe not for dinner, but just outside. I thought about where to go.

I grabbed a light jacket and went outside. I just went wherever my feet took me. I ended up near the creek, a place I didn't really want to be. I glanced at the bridge. As I walked closer to it, I saw small blood stains. My blood stains. Goosebumps ran up my arms. I ignored the bridge and continued walking.

Some teenagers were playing soccer at the field. Getting closer, I realized two of them were Mitch and Jerome. It seemed like an interesting game, so I sat on a park bench and watchers.

They were pretty good. I recognized a few kids from school. It seemed like the team Mitch was on was winning.

"That doesn't count!" Someone yelled after the ball went out of bounds or something. The teams starting arguing.

"That was a foul.," Mitch's side said. Jerome's side said that it wasn't or something. I have no idea how this game works. Jerome picked up the ball and threw it at Mitch. Luckily, he missed because that probably would have made it worse. Unfortunately, it hit me in the head.

It didn't hurt, just took me by surprise. I thought they would think I was a creep watching them or something, so I just threw the ball back and walked off.

"Sorry!" Jerome yelled. Everything I do just makes it more awkward.

I hate myself for thinking that. I was just in a rare good mood, and you just ruined it. I kicked myself for being so stupid.

I realized all I did was walk to the other side of the field, only I took the long way. I sighed and eavesdropped again.

"OK, it was a foul. Happy?" Jerome said. Mitch smirked. "Yes I am, actually." They started playing again. The ball came in my direction several times. I thanked the Lord it wasn't Jerome or Mitch every time the ball rolled put of bounds.

Jerome ended up winning. His team high five and rubbed it in the other team's face. It was pretty hilarious. They came over to get their stuff sitting on the bleachers, so I quietly walked away.

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