Chapter 1: Arranged To Be

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"Wake up, Brandon!" I grabbed my brother's blankets off his bed. It was 7:20am and I wasn't going to be late. I had promised Victoria that I was going to study a little more before school, but clearly that wasn't going to happen.

"I'm up!" My brother slowly rubbed his eyes and sat up in his bed.

"I was supposed to study with Vikki this morning and now I can't because of you! Now hurry up!" I yelled. He does this every morning.

"Geez, you sound like mom." He yawned, as he tossed the keys and my face got red. I hated to be compared to my mother. "Okay, sorry. I'll get ready as fast as I can. Go start my car." As I caught is car keys and left his room.

I was almost able to walk out the house until my mother stopped me.

"What was yelling for? You know we don't yell in the house." My mother said.

"I know, sorry. Brandon was taking his time and I needed to be at school early to study for a test I have today."

"You studied last night. You will do fine." My mother reassured me. "Tonight, we have the Greens' coming over for dinner. I need you to come right home after school. Oh, and I will have a outfit picked out for you on your bed for dinner." 

It's Friday night and I have to have dinner with the Greens? I have nothing against the Greens', I just really hate their son, Nathan. He is one of those jocks that does every sport that the school has to offer. Plus every girl in school has either been with him or wants to be with him.

"I kinda made plans with Victoria. We are working on a project for History class."

"No, you can do it tomorrow. I'm sorry, but this is very important dinner tonight." My mother really wanted me at this dinner. I nodded and headed to the door.

Brandon was waiting outside by his car and I tossed him the keys.

"Now look who's being slow." He smirked.

"Whatever, just drive." As we both got into the car and headed for school.

"You can't come over?" Victoria said very saddly. "Why can't you just skip the dinner? It doesn't seem to be that important."

I shrugged my shoulders. "My mom said it was a important dinner. I have to have dinner with Nathan Green and his parents."

Victoria laughed. She knew how much I disliked Nathan. To her, she knew that this would be the dinner from hell.

"It's not funny." I said as we took our seats. "I really hate the fact that my dad is business partners with Nathan's dad."

"Well, while you get to look and have dinner with the hottest guy in school, I'll be binge watching the Lord of the Rings Saga by myself."

Lord of the Rings was my favorite series and movies. Victoria and I had been planning to binge watch them all, all week. Now, I have to sit and have a boring dinner all evening long. Great.

The bell rang and Mrs. Lasher walked into the classroom.

"Good morning, class. I want you all to open your books to page 47." She paused and looked up from her notebook. "Ah, Mr. Michaelson, so glad you could join us today. Please take a seat."

I looked over and saw him. Jackson Michaelson. Everyone called him 'Jax', but he was the totally bad boy of the school. He had dark brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing a plaid red and black long sleeves shirt with dark demi jeans. Oh, and can't forget about the black sunglasses he always likes to wear.

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