X: Flaw

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Chapter Ten

"Bitch you're glowing!" Kam shouted as I entered the kitchen

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"Bitch you're glowing!" Kam shouted as I entered the kitchen.

"Thanks boo." I smiled to myself, grabbing the jug of apple juice from the fridge.

It was Wednesday morning and like every Wednesday Nadia cooked breakfast for Kam and I. Today would be a pretty easy day for me as I only had two afternoon classes, Behavior Analysis to Child Problems and Theories of Personality and a few hours of tumbling practice. After breakfast I would probably lounge around until it was time for me to head to campus.

"Did you change your skin care routine?" Kam asked setting out three plates and cups.

"Yeah she added nut." Nadia joined the conversation, taking a moment to look up from flipping her pancakes.

"Nadia it's 9 o'clock in the morning." Kamryn whined in fake disgust, popping a chunk of pineapple into her mouth.

"It's never too early to be nasty." Nadi winked before focusing back on the stove.

"Anyways Sage, your skin looks flawless my dear." Kam complimented, leaving my cheeks flushed.

"I honestly haven't even washed my face yet." I shrugged my shoulders, gulping down the last bit of juice in my cup.

"See I told you, that's that consistent dick glow." Nadi declared, earning a chuckle from both Kam and I.

"So you and Gio huh?" Kam questioned, plopping down on the stool next to me.

"Yup." I released a sigh of contentment.

"You seem happy so I'm here for it boo."

"Thank you baby, I'm very happy." I smiled to myself thinking of Giovanni.

For the first time in a long time Gio and I were at a happy place, we were finally on the same page and it honestly felt good. He had my heart and while it wasn't always bells and harps, our love for one another was caring and true.

"Have you spoken to you know who?" Kam cleared her throat.

"Girl if you don't say his name! He is not Voldemort!" Nadia rolled her eyes and for just a moment a glimmer of annoyance flashed across her face.

"Shush." Kam side eyed Nadi before turning her attention towards me again.

"Have you spoken to Smoke since everything happened?"

"No, I called him a few times afterwards, but it always went to voicemail.

"Hmmph." Nadi scoffed slapping a pancake down onto my plate before taking a seat across from me.

"Here she go, I need a damn shot." Kam mumbled to herself, pushing her plate to the side.

"Nadi what's the problem?" I asked, sensing a bit of hostility.

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