Chapter 3

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Later that evening we put the two kids to bed in Adam’s spare room and sat down to our own dinner of steak and chips which he had cooked. Just as I was about to sit down I found myself on the floor in hysterics wondering what had happened, when I turned around I noticed Adam was in hysterics also but also had a hand on the chair I had been attempting to sit on.

“Was this your aim all along, get me here and then have me make a fool of myself.” I asked through fits of laughter sarcastically and that just made him laugh even more. Eventually he held out a hand to pull me back to my feet which caused me to crash into his toned chest… wait did I just think that? Erase thoughts… erase thoughts. I then sat down and he went over to his chair and sat down himself.

“See it’s not that hard Ava, even I managed it.” He informed me winking flirtatiously.

“Oh ha-ha very funny… you should do stand up.” I joked and it caused him to laugh again. “Do you laugh at everything?” I asked looking at him concerned.

“Only when you say it…” he started before realising what he had. “I mean because you just say everything with so much attitude that it’s funny.” He corrected himself. I nodded before taking a bite of the steak and flavour erupted in my mouth, it was amazing.

“This is AMAZING, where did you learn to cook this?” I asked interested.

“Nowhere special, I learnt from my aunt, I’m glad you like it.” He told me.

We both continued eating for about ten minutes until we were both finished. Adam then took the plates into the kitchen and then we both went and sat on the sofa in the living room to chat.

“Ava I want you to know you are always free to tell me anything, I’m here for you.” He told me as he inched closer to where I was sat.

“Thanks Adam, I’m going to check on the boys.” I told him making to get up but was stopped as he pulled me back down. “What are you doing?” I asked unsure of what he had pulled me back for.

“Wait… I want the truth, how are you, I mean that was a traumatising thing to happen?” he asked and he inched even closer to me and let my guards down for the first in what felt like forever.

“Well truth be told, I’m not great but what can I actually do I don’t know who the creep was so he can’t be caught.” I told him and a tear escaped from my eyes and he quickly and gently wiped it away and the fireworks I felt through my body as he did that made me want him to just keep him skin on mine… it just felt so right. Oh man I should not feel like this about him he’s my freaking teacher. He then inched the last bit towards me that I literally could not breathe as I inhaled his scent of spice and cinnamon. He was then looking in to my eyes with a sympathetic smile on his face and even that was freaking charming.

“Adam…” I started but couldn’t finish as next thing I knew his lips were on mine and I felt the fireworks everywhere. I WAS KISSING MY TEACHER! This should not be happening, he was then licking my bottom lip wanting access and I granted his as if this was the only time it happened I was going to make the most of it. I then placed my hands around his neck and he lowered his so that they were on my waist. Just as the passion was getting intense he pulled away with regret spread across his face. “I shouldn’t have done that...


Sorry about the length and the wait guys but i have complete writers block but if you like dont be afraid to VOTE, FAN OR COMMENT! I'll love you forever xxxx

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