Chapter 11: What?

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As I paced the floorboards of the bathroom I could see that Adam was getting stressed too. I cannot deal with this, it’s too much.

“Babe, please stop pacing your making me more nervous. Think about something else. How’s the house search going?” he asked trying to change the subject but I just huffed before continuing to pace.

“I know you’re trying to help, but you’re really not babe, how much longer is it? I was just it to be over now.” I asked him and he checked his watch.

“One more minute.” He told me standing up and grabbing hold of my hands and smiling. “You know I’ll be here whatever happens right, I love Ava Connelly your my shining star.” He continued and I smiled at him nodding my head. He then slowly let go of my hands and I continued to pace but much faster this time. ONE MINUTE! One minute and then all would be revealed.

“Babe, it’s time.” Adam informed me hesitantly and I nodded walking over to the sink and picking up the stick.

“Well might as well get it over and done with. “I told him with a fake smile. The problem was I just couldn’t actually move my eyes to look at it and Adam just looked at me expectantly.

“Do you want me to do it?” he asked and I gave him a small nod and I passed the stick to him. He then checked it and then the instructions and his face dropped. “Your pregnant babe. I’m sorry I’m such an idiot, I can’t believe I’ve done this to you.” He told me and my jaw dropped. He was apologising, has he never been given the birds and the bees talk before? It takes two to tango for crying out loud.

“Babe, it wasn’t just you. We’ve just got to decide what we want to do. What do you want to do?” I asked him.

He took a deep breath and then told me. “I want to keep it, unless you don’t want to?” I nodded and leapt into his arms.

“Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, I want to keep it too!” I exclaimed and he kissed me fully on the lips.

“You realise you need to tell your parents about this don’t you.” He told me and I sighed and nodded before pulling out my phone. I then found my parents number and dialled it.

“Hi mum, look I need to tell you something but I’m going to hang up straight after so you can process it okay. Right well the thing is I’m pregnant again. I’m sorry but I’m keeping it and also Emma’s having twin girls.” I told her and hung up but as I did I heard her gasp.

“So how do you think she took it?” Adam asked trying to stifle a giggle as it was obvious by my expression.

“Not so well. I think more about Emma though, she never really cared about me once I was over the incident.” I told him and he enveloped me in a warm tight hug. “Adam?” I started.

“Yes Ava?” he replied.

“Shouldn’t you also tell your parents?” I asked him hesitant about hearing his reaction.

“I should, your right but I think it would be better face to face so they can meet you properly. The trick is not to let them know how we met. They may not be too thrilled considering it is illegal.” He informed me and I nodded.

“When should we meet them?” I asked trying to sound at ease with it.

“How about next Saturday?” he asked and I nodded as it gave me time to tell Emma and April before then.

“I’m going to give April and Jamie a ring to get them to come over so we can tell them all together.” I told Adam and he nodded as I walked into the bedroom to give them a ring. Once I had rung them I walked into Emma’s room to tell them they were coming over and then went over to Dylan and picked him up. “Hello baby, are you having fun with Auntie Em Em?” I asked and he just giggled which caused me to beam back at him and give him a kiss on the forehead. Dylan then started to yawn so I walked over to his cot and placed him in there and pulled the blanket up to his shoulders to keep him warm.   “Night baba.” I cooed and then walked into the living room feeling content at the thought of my family being almost complete.

“Ava?” Emma called down the corridor and when I turned around I saw tears streaming down her face momentarily before she collapsed onto the floor.

“ADAM!” I screamed down the corridor which woke Dylan up but this was an emergency. I then saw him running up the corridor and his face dropped when he saw Emma on the floor motionless and we just stared at each other in a trance until the doorbell rang and I ran to answer it wiping a tear away in the process. When I opened the door my jaw dropped when I saw…

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