Chapter 8: Unexpected Surprises

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In the next two weeks we all stuck together especially me and Adam and he made me feel so safe from everything. Today was April and Emma’s big scan where they found out what the sex of the baby is and everyone is so excited. Luckily we managed to book them in before school and at the same time so Jamie will stay with April whilst me and Adam will be with Emma and then we’ll discuss the results afterwards.

“Come on Emma, it’s the hospital not a freaking mothers-to-be fashion show! We need to leave like ten minutes ago.” I shouted down the apartment hallway. Then I jumped in shock as a strong warm pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind soothingly.

“Chill out babe, we’ve got plenty of time and I’ll bet Lily hasn’t even got April up yet it will all be fine, I promise.” Adam assured me as I turned slowly in his hold until I was facing him and he planted a small delicate kiss on the tip of my nose and I smiled slowly starting to relax. Five minutes later Emma finally came out of the spare bedroom and I smiled as she really is coping well with all of this and she’s just so lucky I kept all of my clothes from when I was pregnant with Dylan and so nobody has worked out what’s going on underneath the layers.

“Let’s go, I’m excited to find out if I should be buying blue or pink. “ Emma informed us as she ushered us out the door as she grabbed a cereal bar out of my hand. We then all piled into Adam’s car and made the twenty minute journey to the small pregnancy clinic just the other side of town.  Just as we got there we saw that April and Jamie pulled in at about the same time and we all met at the door ready to go in.

“So who’s nervous, I know I am?” Jamie asked. Everyone looked at him and just laughed. “What? Why are you laughing at me?” he asked and we all just headed into the clinic. Once we were inside we headed straight to reception and we received a welcoming judgmental look from the woman behind the desk before she signed us in and paged the doctors. We all went and sat down waiting to be called and we didn’t wait long thankfully before we were called.

“EMMA CONNELLY!” A voice called over the intercom and me, Emma and Adam headed into the room with Dylan in tow in his pushchair and thankfully he was asleep.  Once we were in the room the doctor signalled for Emma to lay on the bed and me and Adam sat in the chairs next to it.

“Hello Emma, how are you feeling?” Dr Harrison asked smiling as he set the machine up.

“I’m feeling great thanks, doctor the nausea is actually to start letting up as well which is a bonus for the bathroom toilet.” She told him smiling happily.

“Well that’s great news, now could you lift your top up and we’ll check everything over okay before we see the baby.” The doctor told her and she did so and then the next ten minutes consisted of him checking she was progressing how she should. “Now, let’s check on your baby shall we.” He asked and she nodded “Do you want to know the sex of the baby?” he asked smiling.

“Yes, I really do I can’t wait to start buying stuff for the baby.” Emma informed him.

“Oh dear, you might have a handful here…” he started. “It seems your having twins.” He finished hesitantly.

“WHAT!” We all shouted unable to believe what he had just said.

“T-Tw- twins!” Emma stuttered. “What sex are they?” Emma continued still interested.

“Well as far as I can tell they’re both girls, congratulations your having twin girls.” He told her and her mouth turned into a beam as she was so happy that she had girls. I guess were going to have some talking to do later.

“Well thanks doctor, we’ll see you next month. Bye.” I greeted and waved and we all walked outside.

Once we were in the reception area again we saw April sat with Jamie and they both looked like they were in shock.

“Hey guys, how was your appointment?” I asked curious as to the reasoning for their expressions.

“Well it was certainly shocking for us.” Jamie started. “No words can describe the shock.” He finished.

“What happened?” Adam asked as curious as me.

“Well apparently were having a girl…” April started. “And another one and two boys and god knows how I’m going to give birth to all of them. I’m having freaking quadruplets I’m going to bloody die giving birth to them, never mind actually looking after them!” April cried with her face in her hands and Jamie rubbed her back soothingly.

“Do you want us to make an excuse for you for school? You don’t have to come in if you can’t face it?” I asked going to sit down on the other side of her.

“No, I want to come in I need to keep busy.” April told us.

As we walked into school we all received knowing looks though it was impossible that people could know anything as neither of them was even showing yet. Just as we got to our locker Jasmine one of our friends who we sometimes talked to headed straight with a worried face and I started to get scared.

“Hey Jasmine, what’s up?” I asked faking a smile.

“Ava there’s something you should know…” she started and I nodded and we walked into an empty classroom and shut the door so that could have some privacy as I could tell it was a difficult subject.

“So shoot!” I told her and she took a deep breath.

“Well you know Mr.Stone?” she started and I nodded. “Well his ex-wife has been causing havoc all morning claiming that you and him are in a relationship and that she knows who your rapist is!” she continued before putting her head down unable to look me in the face.

“Are you serious? Well the first part is an absolute lie but as for the second I’m interested…” I told jasmine before exiting the room to go find Adam. Just as I was about to enter him room I felt nerves rise up in me. Come on Ava what are you doing this is Adam, he can explain about her. I quickly turned the handle of the door and found the two of them on the floor naked! NAKED!

“Mr Stone?” 

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