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*4 Years Later*

As I saw the two little legs running towards with their arms outstretched to me I couldn’t help but smile. How did I get so lucky, perfect husband five perfect kids and another on the way, the perfect sister and nieces and nephew and perfect friends with their own children.

“Hello darling, how’s my perfect little Sophie? Give mummy a kiss.” I cooed as I kissed her cheek as she giggled whilst I picked her up. “Where’s your daddy? Is he sleeping again?” I asked her laughing as she giggled again.

“Mamma, mamma!” Sophie chirped.

“Did you say Mamma?” I asked shocked I’d been alone when she’d said her first word. “ADAM! GET IN HERE!” I shrieked and he came running in.

“Did your waters break? Do we need to go to the hospital?” he asked panicking and I just laughed at him.

“MAMMAAAA!” Sophie chirped loudly not wanting to be forgotten.  

“You clever girl, saying your beautiful mummy’s name before mine!” Adam cooed as he picked her up out of my arms just as Marley and Amelia came running in.

“Mummy, it’s our birthday!!!!” Amelia squealed as she jumped onto my bed along with Marley.

“I know darling, are you excited for your party with Auntie April and Uncle Jamie’s children?” I asked and they both nodded excitedly. Yes Jamie and April got married a year after the quadruplets were born and they had another two kids as well they had a right handful.

“Babe, they need to get ready don’t you think? I’ll get Soph ready and you get the twins ready?” Adam asked smiling at me with love filled in his eyes.

“Yes husband, give me half an hour and they’ll be ready.” I told him happiness floating around my stomach at the thought of him being my husband.

“Okay Mrs Stone, I love you.” He told me smirking and I laughed.

“Love you more.” I informed him and helped the twins down off the bed and held both of their hands as we walked into their bedroom slowly as I could only waddle currently due to our sixth child being only a month away. Once we got into the room the twins sat on their beds as I slowly picked out cute outfits for them and they then got dressed. Once they were dressed I set to work on brushing their fair hair and then creating two plaits in each of their hair which looked adorable on the four year olds.  

“Come on girls, you can watch some television while mummy gets ready.” I told them as they both grabbed my hands with their tiny hands as we walked into the living room where Emma was setting up as Miley and Maisie watched some television and the girls soon went over and joined them. “Em, can you keep an eye on the girls while I get ready? Adam should be out soon with Soph I wont be long I hope.” I told her and she nodded before going back to work.

*A couple of hours later*

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” We all chirped as the twins and the quads blew out the candles on the cake. Adam then took the cake away so he could cut it up for everyone and I stayed sat on the sofa like a beached whale.

“MAMMAAAA!” Sophie chirped as she climbed onto the sofa next to me and I helped her up and she then went to climb on my stomach.

“No Sophie, you could mummy.” Adam told her off from the kitchen area and Sophie then began to cry.

“Don’t cry Soph, why don’t you go and play with Jason, look he’s over there.” I told her pointing towards Emma’s son who’s the same age as Sophie. She then climbed off the sofa and ran over to where Jason was playing with building blocks. A moment later Adam came over with two pieces of cake and sat down next to me and I placed my legs over his lap and he pouted at me before leaning over to kiss me lightly. “That’s better gorgeous.” He gushed as he began to dig into his cake. I then placed my cake on top of my belly and looked over at him.

“it’s nearly your birthday babe, what do you want to do?” I asked him and he sighed.

“Don’t remind me a bigger age gap between us, I don’t want to do anything as long as my girls are with me.” He reassured and I smiled.

“How do you know this one isn’t a boy? Or do you not want a boy after… you know.” I asked carefully trying not to think about Freddy.

“No I’d love a boy but I don’t want you to be upset because of Freddy.” He told me and I smiled at him. “You know we should go and say happy birthday to him too don’t you think.” He asked me and I nodded. He then took my empty plate and his and put them on the coffee table before helping me up off the sofa and then grabbed my hand and we slowly waddled/walked outside to Freddy’s tree.

“Happy birthday Freddy!” I gushed once we arrived at his tree in the garden as Adam pulled me into him kissing the top of my head. “Thanks for today, they’ve had a lovely day.” I told Adam and he smiled kissing my cheek.

*Three weeks and a day later*

“ADAMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!” I screamed as my waters broke and he quickly ran into the bedroom where I was staring at the pool on the floor.

“Right okay, I’ll call the hospital but first let’s get you sat down babe.” He soothed and I smiled at how wonderful he was whenever I went into labour.

“Adam don’t ring the hospital just the midwife I want to have the baby here so it comes into the world in home full of love, is that okay?” I told him and he smiled kissing the top of my head.

“It’s perfect!” he soothed as he dialled the midwife’s number. He then came and sat down on the bed next to me and text everyone to let them know .

*Half an hour later*

“Right Ava, I need you to give me one last push on your next contraction for me okay.” The nurse soothed and I nodded and waited for the next contraction. When the next contraction I grabbed Adam’s hand and started crushing it as I pushed. “It’s a beautiful baby girl.” She informed us smiling and started to wrap her in a pink blanket.

“Another girl who’s just as gorgeous as her mother.” Adam complimented before kissing the top of my head. I then smiled at him as the doctor placed our newest baby girl in my arms before leaving the bedroom to go and inform everyone as I heard laughter at it being another girl. A moment later they all came into the room and over to where we were all sat on the bed with our newest addition.

“She’s gorgeous Ava!” Emma cooed as she stroked her head.

“She really is, a right heartbreaker!” Jamie gushed looking over Emma’s shoulder.

“Just like a mother.” Adam cooed and everyone rolled their eyes at Adam complimenting me yet again.

“Adam really?” April laughed and he nodded.

“What I can’t compliment my daughter and her mother now? “Adam asked looking offended. 

“What are you going to call her?” Emma asked and I looked at Adam who nodded as we had discussed this already a week earlier.

“This is Cleo-Tia Stone.”


Hey so i just want to thank you all for reading this and voting for it, it means a lot! So this is then end of Ava, Adam, Emma, April and Jamie's story but as for Sophie, Marley, Amelia, Cleo, Maisie, Miley, Jason, Riley, Olivia,Kyle and Lily.... I'll leave that up to your imagination or maybe just mine...

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