Chapter 14: Conclusions

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“I… I know…h-him? Who is it?” Adam stuttered and lowered my head.

“It’s your brother Andrew…” I told him quietly and I took a minute before bringing my head up so I could see his reaction and when he did he had a murderous look in his eyes. “Adam please don’t do anything you’ll regret remember the triplets need you.” I told him reassuringly.

“How can I remember that when my brother did that to you and you’ve just broken up with me?” he told me sadness radiating in his eyes.

“I’m sorry, but I promise as soon as the trial is over we can be together again… in the meantime just focus on getting the flat ready for the babies and me, and please promise me you won’t say anything to your parents. I couldn’t live with myself if this ruined your relationship with them.” I begged him and he nodded before walking the opposite way to where I was heading. When I got to Aprils suite they looked at me curiously.

“Where’s Adam?” Jamie asked.

“Erm on his way home I expect?” I told them bluntly.

“But why?” April asked calmly

“Because I told him about the trial and I told him I wanted to break up until after that.” I told them

“I suppose that makes sense but you do realise he would have chosen you over his own father right? Even if he is his own blood.” Jamie informed me and I nodded.

“Yeah but he can’t know it’s his father I told his it was Andrew like we had discussed.” I told them and then nodded solemnly.

“ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!” April screamed as she grabbed hold of Jamie’s hand.

“I’m guessing the contractions have started then.” April’s doctor asked as she rushed in.

“Yeah I think so…” I told her and we both laughed.

*A few hours later*

“Ava I would like to introduce you to Olivia, Lily, Kyle and Riley.” Jamie gushed as he pointed to each one and I couldn’t help the massive smile that crept onto my face as I cooed at each of the babies.

“Hi guys, sorry I was so long, let’s see them then…” Emma asked as she entered the suite with Miley and Maisie. “Oh they’re adorable April, you done good, you really did good.” She continued before giving April a reassuring hug. This was such a sweet moment I wouldn’t forget in a hurry.  Just a month and then my babies would be here too I can’t wait I’ve just got to get through the trial next week without Adam by my side but I could cope with that.

“Ava? Did you just wet yourself? “Emma asked slightly laughing but I knew what had really happened.

“No I don’t think so.” I told them and then I saw the penny drop in all they’re eyes and April quickly got out of the bed and onto the chair next to it as Jamie helped me into it while Emma went to get a nurse. “Someone call Adam and my dad I can’t do it without them.” I told them calmly considering I was in freaking early labour. Jamie then pulled out his phone and started dialling whilst walking out of the room as he knew Adam might be resistant considering what had happened earlier today. A few minutes later Jamie walked back into the room.

“They’re on their way Ava, don’t worry.” He told me grabbing my hand reassuringly.

“Thanks guys, where’s the freaking nurse? This is meant to be a hospital isn’t it!” I screamed as I felt my first contraction coming on. A few minutes later the doctor walked in.

“Right Ava it seems the babies are ready to come out so listen to me and do what I say.” He told me

“What but Adam’s not here, I need him I can’t do this without him.”  I told him panicking.

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