Chapter 5: Uh-Oh

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That night went really smoothly as thankfully mum was more understanding than my sister who just kept giving us glaring looks. Jamie played with Dylan all night much to my amusement as it gave me a break, once Dylan was tired we both put him to bed and we snuggled on the sofa for an hour or so before Jamie left. As soon as he’d gone I went straight to Emma’s room to question her about what was going on with her.

“Em, can I come in?” I asked with my head leant on the edge of her door and she nodded so I went and took a seat on her bed. “What’s up with you today? You were fine this morning and then now your all moody?” I queried and she hesitated and took a deep breath, she had news I could tell and it was not good news.

“Promise you won’t tell anyone, not even mum?” she asked nervously and I pinkie swore I wouldn’t tell a soul. “Okay I don’t know how to say this especially after all you’ve been through…” she started.

“Start from the beginning?” I suggested reassuringly patting her arm.

She took a deep breath before continuing “I’m just going to spit it out… I’m… I’m… I’m pregnant.” She announced unsurely and she left a single tear fall down her cheek.

“Whoa, I don’t know what to say… you of all people? I didn’t even know you had a boyfriend yet had sex! Why didn’t you tell me any of this Em?” I asked before enveloping her in a comforting hug.

“Well the thing is the dad isn’t exactly my boyfriend… he’s yours.” She told me with her head hung down in shame.

“Come again?” I requested.

“It’s Jamie’s and that’s why I didn’t want you to ask him out because I don’t it to be awkward between the two of us, I promise it was only a one-time thing when the two of us were drunk. Honestly I’m telling the truth; also I kinda scared to tell him in case he decides he wants nothing to do with the baby. I’m not as brave as you I can’t do this alone.” She told me truthfully whilst shaking a leaf. I grabbed her hands and held them tightly in my own and gave her a reassuring smile.

“I believe you Em and you’re not alone you have me and mum and maybe dad he always did like you best. Mum said he’s nearly ready to come back home and to face me, she said maybe a couple more weeks or so. Look what I’m saying is that don’t worry about a thing and you know you don’t have to keep it there are other options?” I questioned.

“I want to keep it but I’m just scared to. What if me pregnant as well as you having Dylan sends him over the edge and he just drops dead or something? Also what about you and Jamie, you always seemed right for each other.” She returned.

“Well truth be told, I don’t feel that spark for him I used to I think it’s because of Adam, he’s just so perfect he makes me feel safe just from his touch. It’s as if were meant to be together, when we kissed it was indescribable it sent sparks through me and I just wanted to stay like that but he has to be my darned teacher doesn’t he!” I told her reminiscing of last night’s events. “But that’s not important, what’s important is telling Jamie about your pregnancy. I’ve got a plan I’ll text him to meet me in the morning before school at ours and that way we can tell April at the same time. Sound like a plan?” I asked and she nodded so I whipped my phone out of my pocket and sent him a quick text and he soon sent a text which informed me he’d there around the time I’d asked him to.

“Great, just mum to tell now… that’s going to break her heart.” Emma whispered through sobs.

“It’s going to be fine, lets tell her now best time to tell her is during CSI: Miami come on it’ll be fine, I’ll be right by your side.” I reassured her and so we headed downstairs to the living room and Emma explained everything.

“Your pregnant? Who’s the dad? What about college next year? Have I been such a bad parent that both my daughters can’t keep their legs to bloody gether? Just go away, just leave me alone both of you, get out my house.” Mum screamed and we both just stood there dumbfounded and eventually left to go and back three bags for me, her and Dylan I knew where to go and it wasn’t going to easy after today.  Twenty minutes later we were packed and Dylan was in his pushchair fast asleep and we were on the hour long trek to his house. As soon as we were outside his door nausea seeped into my stomach.

“Are you sure about this Ava?” Emma asked unsure about being here.

“What choice have we got?” I informed her and loudly knocked on the door and he quickly answered the door.     

“Ava? What are you doing here and why have you got a packed bag?” he asked looking confused and we both told him the short story of the situation and he then let us in without a hesitation. Ten minutes later the three of us were on the sofa’s with a cup of tea while Dylan slept in the spare room. “So Emma, what are you going to do or don’t you know?” he asked with his cute smile spread across his face.

“Adam, don’t pressure her, she only just found out. “ I scolded him and he nodded in agreement. Emma just waved her hand in dismissal before bidding goodnight and heading into the spare room where we would be sleeping tonight. Once she was asleep Adam moved from the other sofa. Uh-Oh he was going to ask about Jamie.

“So are you trying to make me jealous with Jamie missy?” he asked although he knew the answer

“Not trying anymore, your already jealous, it’s obvious. “ I replied with a smirk plastered to my face and he just laughing in admission of the truth.

“The only reason I’m jealous is because your so damn perfect Ava don’t you realise that? It’s so hard to teach when you’re in flaming room all I want to do is grab you and kiss the life out of you. But it’s so wrong were a teacher and a student but all I want is to tell you that we should be together but we can’t.” he admitted passionately.  

“It wouldn’t be wrong if no-one knew about it.” I informed not realising what I’d said.

“I’m up for it if you are? But we would have to be ever so careful and nothing could happen in school as anyone could find out. Do you understand?” he told me hopeful

“I’m up for it, I was going to dump Jamie anyway it would interfere with caring for Emma through this, she’s not strong like me. So once he’s out of the picture I’m all yours.” I told him truthfully and he nodded.

“I just wish I could kiss you right now, but your taken by someone who nowhere near deserves you or your sister.

“Thank you, nobody ever cares about my sister and me together. She does know about last night but don’t worry she won’t say anything seeing as I have dirt on her too so it’s all fine.” I informed his reassuringly

“What’s the dirt?” he asked obviously intrigued.


Hey guys, thanks for reading this i really appreciate it and want you to know i'm sorry it's so short but writers block was unhelpful to this chapter. as always vote, comment and fan if you like it. Also team Jamie or team Adam? 

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