Chapter 7: Confessions

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The next few weeks we worked out what we were going to do which would be in the best interests of everyone and decided we couldn’t do anything until April’s parents knew and we decided we would all go to support her. April had picked the perfect day when her parents were feeling happy and unstressed and therefore we all traipsed to April’s house where she was waiting on the porch mentally preparing herself.

“You ready?” I asked with Dylan placed on my hip who was fidgeting and so I let him down and grabbed his hand.

“As I can ever be… Latina parents aren’t exactly the most accepting of unwanted pregnancies. Let’s just hope for the best.” She told me trying to put a smile on her smile.  We all gave her a smile before heading towards her door. Before we went in I gave Dylan to Adam as that might rub salt into the wound.

“Mum, Dad can I talk to you about something?” April asked her parents as we entered the living room.

“Sure chica what’s going on?” her dad asked turning the television off so he could pay his full attention to his favourite daughter.

We all gave her a comforting smile and she just spat it out. “I’m pregnant.” And she looked at the them whilst a single ran down her cheek.

“What? How can you be sure April, have you done a test?” her mum asked and she nodded to show that she had. What happened next all surprised us as we weren’t expecting it.

“Well we better get on the phone to the clinic then hadn’t we, can’t be having this sort of disgrace in the face especially considering they still talk about Ava’s incident. “ Her dad told us before going into the hallway to grab his phone.

“What, no you can’t I won’t let you do this to MY baby! I’d rather you kicked me out than you made me murder my baby.” She screamed.

Her dad then stood up making his presence felt and walked over to where April stood with tear stained cheeks. “Don’t let me stop you!” he bellowed pointing a finger towards the door. We all then followed April upstairs where we helped her pack her stuff though he had no idea where she would go. When we got outside Adam was stood there with Dylan in his arms giving him a cuddle. Adam started walking up the path when he saw that it hadn’t gone well, he then passed Dylan to me and grabbed some of April’s bags and put them in the boot. We all got in the car after that and headed back to Adam’s flat.

Twenty minutes later we were all sat in the living room with cups of tea trying to come up with a solution to where April could live.

“You can’t live there if they thought they could control what you did about your own baby though April and there’s got to be somewhere you can go. I’m sure of it!” Emma told her comfortingly.

“I know I just don’t know where is going to take in an unmarried pregnant girl.” She replied looking down at her feet.

“Look April, I have an idea it’s a bit risky but it just might be okay temporarily.” Adam started and she nodded interested. “My sister has a spare room and I’m sure if I explain your predicament she’ll happily take you in and as she’s a child-minder it will give you some experience with looking after small children.” He continued and April’s eyes lit up and so he grabbed his phone and made his way into the kitchen to give Lily a call. He came back in shortly after with a smile on his face.

“She’d love to have you and for as long as you need” he informed us and April’s eyes lit up with happiness.

“Thank you so much, you don’t know how grateful I am.” She informed him getting up and giving him a quick hug.    

“More drinks anyone?” he asked and we all nodded.

“I’ll come give you a hand.” I told him and he smiled appreciatively. As soon as we got in the kitchen I turned to him and he placed a small kiss on my nose.

“Thank you.” I told him looking deep into his eyes.

“What for?” he asked confused.

“Helping April out today, you didn’t have to do that but you did.” I replied. He then smiled and kissed my mouth quickly before starting to make the tea.

“You know what; I’m going to take you out tonight. Do you think Emma will babysit Dylan?” Adam propositioned. I nodded and he smiled.

“What should I wear?” I asked suddenly worried that I hadn’t got anything suitable.

“Something incredibly sexy to suit you.” He joked. “No honestly wear whatever it’s only dinner.” He continued placing a piece of my blonde hair behind my ear and I nodded.

Later that night:

“That was an amazing dinner Adam, I couldn’t eat another thing.” I told his as we got of his car and headed into the flat quietly. When we got inside Adam slowly and quietly shut the door as Emma and Dylan were asleep in front of the television.

“You take Dylan and I’ll carry Emma okay.” He told me and did as he said. Once we’d both got them into their beds we went and sat on the sofa.

“I’m so sorry about all of this drama; hopefully it will sort itself out soon. At least I hope it does.” I informed him.

“You don’t need to apologise it’s not your fault. Come here.” He replied holding out his arms and I leaned into him but that apparently wasn’t good enough for Adam as he grabbed hold of my waist and pulled me in for a deep passionate kiss. As he deepened the kiss I raised my hands and placed them around his neck. I then loosened his tie so he was more comfortable and he smiled through the kiss. “Man I want you but your still freaking 17.” He moaned and I smiled to show my agreement as we’d decided that we should wait to go that far until I was 18 for two reasons the first one being that it was illegal otherwise and also I felt I’d be ready for it to happen again by then. “Why do you have to be so freaking sexy Ava, it’s impossible to keep my hands off you.” With that I pulled away unsure of how I felt being called sexy. “Babe, what’s up did I do something wrong?” he asked worried.

“No… no it’s nobody’s ever called me sexy before and I guess I don’t exactly feel sexy especially since I’ve had Dylan.” I told him still draped across him.

“Oh babe, well you better get used to it because you are damn sexy to me. “He told me chuckling.

“We better get to bed really hadn’t we? It’s getting late.” I told him waggling my finger at him sarcastically. He then looked at his watch and nodded and he grabbed my hand and we walked to his bedroom and we didn’t even bother putting our pyjamas on as it was already half four in the morning.

“Night beautiful, sweet dreams” Adam told me smiling and placed a small kiss on my mouth.

“Night babe, sweet dreams.” I told him breaking the kiss and shoved him over to his side of the bed before turning the lamp off.


So guys i just want to thank you for all the votes and for actually reading my story. As always vote, fan and comment thanks xxx 

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