Chapter 2

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You guys are SERIOUSLY the best. 

Perrie twirled Jade around, Jade's golden gown billowing out around her as she laughed and spun in Perrie's arms. Perrie took a twirl, her crystal blue gown flying around her. Jade's and Perrie's hands joined again. They danced and danced, getting closer and closer. Jade's heart beat erratically in her chest as Perrie's blue eyes searched hers. 

Perrie's arms went around Jade's waist, as she pulled her closer and closer. Jade's eyes fluttered shut as Perrie's lips came closer ...


Jade's eyes shot open as the loud blare of her alarm clock cut through her dream. Jade groaned and reached over to turn off her alarm clock, opting to snuggle back into the lull of her sheets after it was off. Instead, she accidentally knocked the alarm clock onto the floor. "Seriously?" Jade screeched, now fully awake and sitting up in her bed. 

Jade reached down and turned off her alarm clock, setting it back down on her bedside table a little harder than was necessary. The numbers on the clock flashed briefly, then the radio came on with a click. "Are you kidding me?" Jade grumbled, slamming her hand onto the alarm clock, silencing it. 

Now fully awake and seething, Jade trudged into her small kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. "Making me get up on time," Jade mumbled angrily as she downed half the cup of coffee in one gulp. "How dare it do that to me." Jade set the cup of coffee down and slowly walked back into her bedroom to get changed.


Jade pulled into the parking lot of the Q Street Diner, early for the first time since she'd become a waitress. Jade killed the engine and opened the door just as a shout reached her from across the parking lot. "Jade! You're early!" Jesy Nelson ran across the parking lot to meet Jade, an amused smile on her face. "Well hello to you too Jesy," Jade replied, playfully swatting Jesy's arm. 

"You know what I meant," Jesy rolled her eyes and grabbed Jade's arm, dragging her toward the diner. "How's your foot?" Jesy asked, gesturing to Jade's boot. "It's better," Jade replied, shrugging. "My Physical Therapist said I should start walking without my crutches, to work on strengthening." Jesy nodded. "That's good news," she said, nudging Jade's shoulder.   

"So, how's Leigh Anne?" Jade asked. Jesy tried to glare at Jade, but the sparkle in her eyes gave it away. "She's okay I guess," Jesy replied nonchalantly, turning to breathe into her cupped palm. "Really? So why are you checking your breath? Oh my god, does she like you too?" Jade asked, her voice rising to a squeal. 

"Calm yourself, you sound like you're back in grade school," Jesy replied, glaring at Jade. "But she does like you, right?" Jade grinned, practically bouncing along next to Jesy. "I don't know," Jesy replied carefully. Jade sighed. "You're so dense," she tutted. "I am not," Jesy replied indignantly. "She clearly likes you," Jade giggled, skipping ahead of Jesy and flinging open the door, the familiar tinkling of bells meeting her. 

"Thirlwall, you're early," Jade's boss, Simon, said, staring at her in shock. "Yes I am," Jade replied, grabbing her apron and securing it around her waist. "Well then you can start on wiping tables down," Simon said, gesturing to a bucket of water. "Gotcha," Jade grinned, grabbing the bucket and lugging it to the nearest table. 

As Jade scrubbed the table, the bells clanged. She turned her head to see who had entered the diner. Jesy walked in, and her eyes immediately went to Leigh Anne. She smiled, and Jesy blushed. Jade chuckled. She's smitten.


It was about 11:30, and Jade was doing her job pretty well, considering her foot. She wasn't as fast as she would have been without the boot, but she was hobbling along fine. Jade was sitting on the bar, chatting with one of the patients while she was taking a break from putting pressure on her foot when the bells jingled. 

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