Chapter 20

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So this is the last chapter, and I really appreciate the support I've gotten from this book. It's been a bit of a crazy ride, and I'd like to thank you all for sticking with me through it. 

Ten years later

The graves split down the middle, lightning flashing in the distance. The wind was howling as the girl ran through the graveyard, her hair whipping all around her. Suddenly a shadow appeared in the distance and it leaped forward-

"AHHH!" Perrie screamed, her hands clutching the blanket on her lap so tight her knuckled turned white. 

"Mum!" Lily scolded. "Can you please be quiet?"

"Sorry," Perrie whispered, slouching down on the couch. She tried not to focus on the movie, where the girl had just been caught by the shadow in black. 

The next jump scare Jade let out a yelp, and Lily turned around to shoot Jade a glare. 

"Mam, not you too," Lily groaned. 

"Why aren't you picking on Anna?" Perrie grumbled. "She's sitting right next to you."

"But she's staying quiet," Lily replied, earning herself a smack from the small brunette sitting on the blankets next to her. 

"Stop it!" Anna hissed. "I'm trying to watch a movie!"

Lily raised her hands in mock surrender, rolling her eyes as she turned back to face the tv. 

"Next family movie night we are not watching another horror movie," Perrie declared, eliciting shushes from the two girls on the floor. She groaned and curled into Jade's side, hiding her head in their blanket. 

"It's almost over," Perrie heard Jade quietly say. 

"How would you know?" Perrie asked, her voice muffled by the blankets. Luckily, neither Lily or Anna shushed her this time. 

"When I was a teenager my friends made me go with them to see this movie when it first came out," Jade replied quietly. "I had nightmares for weeks."

Perrie chuckled, wrapping her arms around Jade and leaning back into her wife's warmth. She and Jade had been married for six years now, and Anna and Lily had been their flower girls. Perrie smiled as she looked over at a picture on the mantle. Ten year old Lily was walking down the aisle in a frilly white dress, pulling a two year old Anna behind her in a wagon. 

Perrie turned her head around as Lily and Anna started to complain very loudly, and sighed with relief as she saw the credits scrolling down the otherwise dark tv screen. 

"Alright Anna, time for bed," Perrie said, standing up and carrying the small brunette by her armpits out of the room. Anna held her arms out on each side, and moved her legs slowly. 

"Look mam, I'm flying!" Anna shouted joyfully, her voice echoing down the stairs. 

"I can see that," Jade called back, turning to face Lily who had already whipped her phone out and was scrolling through Instagram. 

"What does the wide web have to say today?" Jade asked, leaning over Lily's shoulder. 

"Nothing," Lily replied, not bothering to look up from her phone as she scrolled. 

"Then you won't mind if I do this then," Jade said, easily taking Lily's phone out of her hands. 

"Mam!" Lily exclaimed, jumping up to face Jade. "Give me back my phone!"

"What's so important that you have to be on your phone right now?" Jade asked innocently. "I though you said nothing was going on online right now."

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